6 Web Site Content Tips to Attract Potential Customers Like a Magnet

  1. Provide Lots of Free Content:

The lure of the Internet is the promise of unlimited information–for free. Information on any and every subject known to man is accessible on the net.

If you want to attract potential customers to your Web site and you want to keep them coming back again and again, then provide lots of useful, interesting, or entertaining content for your visitors.

Of course, you want to make sure the type of content you provide on your Web site is directly related to your product or service. Otherwise, you’ll just be providing free content without any potential for selling your products or services to your visitors.

  1. Update Your Content Often:

If you want to get your prospect list and your customer list coming back to your site, your newsletter will help, but you have to give them a reason to come back.

That reason will be fresh and interesting content on your site. Putting new content on your site is a never ending process. It’s not something you do once and then forget about it.

  1. Check for Dead Links:

It’s very frustrating for Web site visitors to click on a link and find a Page Not Found message. Double check your page links and make sure there are no dead ones.

  1. Eliminate Under Construction Pages:

You see them all the time, and it is a real turn-off for Web site visitors.

Page Under Construction.

If your page is not ready for your visitors, then don’t put a link to it.

Imagine opening a store and inviting people into one of your departments and then telling them that “Oh, uh, actually, this room is still under construction. Watch your head on the way out.”

Many Search Engines won’t list you if they find Page Under Construction messages.

Wait until your page is complete and then put it on your site.

  1. Avoid Banner Mania:

If all you have on your Web site are advertising banners and more advertising banners everywhere you look, people are not going to stay and they won’t be coming back.

Focus on what your visitors want — interesting, fun, informative content.

One or two ad banners may be okay, just don’t overdo it.

  1. Provide In-Depth Product Description Pages:

We can’t believe how many Web sites just provide the title of their products or services, one or two features, and a price, and think that people are going to then buy from that skimpy amount of information.

You have to remember that your Web site visitors don’t have the luxury of entering your place of business, picking up and examining your product, and asking you lots of questions about its features and benefits.

The only thing they know on your Web site, is what you tell them. And when it comes to marketing, the more you tell, the more you sell!

The more expensive the product or service, the more you must tell.

The myth that you can sell products from your Web site with just a picture, name and price destroys a lot of Web businesses. Don’t let it destroy yours.