What is Trachana in English?

What is Trachana in English?

Trahana is a type of ancient wheat product or “pasta” that’s eaten in Greece and the eastern Mediterranean. There are two types: sweet trahana and sour trahana. Both are made with either semolina, cracked wheat, or flour.

Is trahana healthy?

Trahanas is a very nutritive food as it is a good source of proteins, minerals and other components that is why used largely for feeding people. ‘Tarhana’ is a good source of B vitamins, minerals, organic acids and free amino acids which make tarhana healthy for children, the elderly and medical patients.

What is inside tarhana?

Tarhana is a dried food ingredient, based on a fermented mixture of grain and yoghurt or fermented milk, found in the cuisines of Southeast Europe and the Middle East. Dry tarhana has a texture of coarse, uneven crumbs, and it is usually made into a thick soup with water, stock, or milk.

What is bulgur trahana?

Trahana is a wheat product that is eaten throughout Greece and the Eastern Mediterranean. There are many versions, some made with milk, usually from goats or sheep that is called sweet trahana, some with a combination of milk and yogurt, called sour trahana, and even a lenten version made with vegetable pulp.

Is trahana soup fattening?

Trahana can be made into a thin or thick soup which is low in calories (100 calories/100g). It can be added to savory pie fillings or used in stuffed vegetables or grape-leaf dolmades instead of rice. Raisins are among the most ancient of agricultural products of Greece, having been cultivated since Homeric times.

How long does trahana last?

two weeks
Sour or sweet trahana One of my aunties actually leaves it out for two weeks. The less time you leave the yoghurt out the sweeter it will be.

What does tarhana taste like?

Tarhana has a sour and acidic taste with a yeast flavour on top. This not only sounds complex but possibly not very appetising either.

How many calories are in a tarhana?

Nutritional Value

Energy 88 cal
Sodium 593 mg
Vitamin A 187 iu
Thiamine – mg
Riboflavin – mg

Is Trahana soup fattening?

How long does Trahana last?

How to make trahana from scratch?

To make trahana from scratch the process is simple! Let the yoghurt ferment, become sour, by leaving it outside the fridge on your kitchen bench. It should be away from direct sunlight at room temperature ~25°C. Then you slowly boil the yoghurt with the wheat, stirring constantly until the yoghurt is absorbed.

How do you eat trahana?

Trahana is normally eaten in soups or as a porridge. It thickens as it cooks; it kind of reminds me of cream of wheat, but with a bit more texture. Today’s recipe is made with sour trahana. My mother always made the soup simply with some browned butter, water, feta, and milk.

How do you prepare trahana soup?

Preparation. In a medium soup pot heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil over medium heat and add trahana. Stir until coated with oil, about 1 minute. Add water or stock and bring to a boil. Add salt and pepper to taste, reduce the heat and simmer, stirring often, until trahana is tender and nutty tasting and the broth slightly thickened,…

How do you cook trahana in a slow cooker?

Melt butter in a medium-sized pot over medium-high heat until lightly browned (be sure to keep a close eye on it, so it doesn’t burn). Stir in the water, trahana, and a pinch of salt. Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat to low and simmer for fifteen minutes, stirring occasionally to prevent the trahana from sticking to the bottom.