What is another word for low-skilled?

What is another word for low-skilled?

What is another word for low-skilled?

low-skill unskilled
untrained inexpert
uneducated unskillful

Which word is a synonym for skilled?

Some common synonyms of skilled are adept, expert, proficient, and skillful. While all these words mean “having great knowledge and experience in a trade or profession,” skilled stresses mastery of technique.

What is another word for semi skilled?

In this page you can discover 6 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for semi-skilled, like: , semiskilled, semi-unskilled, unskilled, and low-skilled.

What is another word for low skilled worker?

In this page you can discover 36 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for unskilled, like: incompetent, untrained, unskillful, , low-skilled, incapable, nonprofessional, unprofessional, skilled, inefficient and amateurish.

What is the meaning of highly skilled?

adjective. Someone who is skilled has the knowledge and ability to do something well.

What do skillful means?

1 : having or showing ability : expert a skillful gardener. 2 : done or made with ability a skillful dive. Other Words from skillful. skillfully \ -​fə-​lē \ adverb.

Is skilled a word?

skild → divorced, different, various, distinct.

What are semi skilled jobs?

Semi-skilled labor is a category of jobs that require certain abilities and training beforehand, but not advanced education or specialized skill sets.

What is another word for skilled worker?

synonyms for skilled worker

  • artisan.
  • journeyman.
  • machinist.
  • maker.
  • manufacturer.
  • master.
  • mechanic.
  • smith.

What is the synonym of skilled?

Synonyms & Antonyms for skilled. Synonyms. accomplished, ace, adept, complete, consummate, crack, crackerjack, educated, experienced, expert, good, great, master, masterful, masterly, practiced (also practised), proficient, skillful, versed, veteran, virtuoso.

What is a synonym for un-skilled?

synonyms for un-skilled. Compare Synonyms. awkward. banal. clumsy. dull. flat. gauche. ill-adapted.

What does it mean to be a skilled worker?

\\ˈskild \\. 1 : having acquired mastery of or skill in something (such as a technique or a trade) skilled in the art of negotiation. 2 : of, relating to, or requiring workers or labor with skill and training in a particular occupation, craft, or trade.

What’s the difference between adept and skilled?

Some common synonyms of skilled are adept, expert, proficient, and skillful. While all these words mean “having great knowledge and experience in a trade or profession,” skilled stresses mastery of technique. When might adept be a better fit than skilled?