Why do we use descriptive programming in UFT?

Why do we use descriptive programming in UFT?

Descriptive programming is used to write the script based on ordinal identifiers, which will enable QTP to act on those objects when two or more objects have the same properties.

How do you write a descriptive code?

How to do descriptive coding

  1. Read through your data and identify the topics that surface in the data.
  2. Create codes for each topic.
  3. Code excerpts according to topic.
  4. Collate all the excerpts together that are related to each descriptive code.

What are the types of environment variables in QTP?

Types of QTP environment variables

  • Built-in variables.
  • User-defined variables (Has 2 sub-types)
  • Internal.
  • External.

What is QTP-descriptive programming?

QTP – Descriptive Programming 1 When the testers want to perform an operation on an object that is not present in the object repository 2 When objects in the application are very dynamic in nature. 3 When the Object Repository grows big, it results in poor Performance as the size of the Object Repository increases.

What are the types of errors in QTP?

There are various ways of handling errors in QTP. There are three possible types of errors, one would encounter, while working with QTP. They are −. Syntax Errors. Logical Errors. Run Time Errors.

What is an object in QTP?

a) The object hierarchy part (or simply the object part) denoted by Browser (“brGoogle”) .Page (“pgGoogle”) .WebEdit (“q”) So we can safely say that a QTP statement usually consists of 2 things – the object and the action. Also, the object is something which is stored in the Object Repository.

What are the components of QTP statement?

So we can safely say that a QTP statement usually consists of 2 things – the object and the action. Also, the object is something which is stored in the Object Repository. So when you run the above code, QTP will try to find out the object properties from Object Repository and then perform the action on that object.