What programs are like DARE program?

What programs are like DARE program?

These outcomes reduce substance abuse, delinquency, and school failure.

  • Recognition.
  • Model Program: SAMHSA.
  • Family Strengthening Program: OJJDP.
  • School Reform Model: Office of Education for At-Risk Students, U.S. Department of Education.
  • Innovation in Government (finalist): Harvard School of Government and Ford Foundation.

Why is the DARE program still used?

One study found that DARE students were actually more likely to use drugs. Yet the program remained popular among politicians and many members of the public for decades, in part because of a common intuitive judgement that the program should work.

Why is the DARE program ineffective quizlet?

Terms in this set (60) Why is D.A.R.E ineffective? Lack of selection, not the right age group, information is shielded to not scare kids.

Does keepin it really work?

Surgeon General Commends Efficacy of D.A.R.E.’s keepin’ it REAL Curriculum. Strong scientific evidence supports the effectiveness of prevention programs; report states keepin’ it REAL has shown positive effects on substance use.

What is Prosper program?

Promoting School-community-university Partnerships to Enhance Resilience (PROSPER) is a program-delivery system in which universities partner with community teams to implement evidence-based programs for preventing youth substance abuse and other problem behaviors.

Did the DARE program lose federal funding?

In the early 1990s, however, the American Psychological Association and other government organizations began to critique DARE’s tactics and curriculum. After a thorough investigation by the APA, DARE lost its federal funding in 1998. After losing its funding, DARE kept quiet for a short period of time.

What charity is DARE to Kare?

D.A.R.E. provides children with an opportunity to learn and practice good decision-making skills to lead safe and healthy lives. Through KARE, D.A.R.E. also gives to children’s hospitals and other children’s charities and shelters.

What are some DARE ideas for fundraising?

Dare-Based Fundraising

  • Socially Conscious Timepieces.
  • Charitable Coffee Shops.
  • Luxurious Socially Conscious Tees.
  • Beneficial Nonprofit Wine Labels.

What type of prevention is DARE?

DARE uses the social influence approach to drug-use prevention. This psychosocial approach emphasizes and aims to strengthen children’s refusal skills so they can better resist social pressures to try and use drugs. It also builds general social competencies to help prevent or at least delay adolescent drug use.