How much is a bale of hay?

How much is a bale of hay?

On average, a bale of hay costs around $15. For example, two wired Alfalfa Hay bales typically run high, costing $19.95 apiece, whereas bermudagrass is only $8.75. Timothy Hay is the most expensive, typically costing at least $20 a bale.

How much does a 5×5 hay bale cost?

If the bale weighs 1,500 pounds, the price is equivalent to $70 per ton. A comparable 5×5 bale with equal density would weigh 1,046 pounds and be priced at $36 per bale to have a value of $70 ton. and would be priced at $29 per bale to equal that same $70 per ton of forage.

What are hay bales used for in construction?

Straw-bale construction is a building method that uses bales of straw (commonly wheat, rice, rye and oats straw) as structural elements, building insulation, or both.

How many square bales is an acre?

With an average bale weight of around 40 pounds (with our Abbriata small square baler or any of our mini round balers), that’s 100 bales to the acre for a first cutting.

Can you make money selling hay?

He says it costs about $297 per acre to seed and prepare hay ground. “You are going to get more than three years out of that, but if we use three years, that’s about $100 per acre per year,” Brown says. “If you are getting $125 per ton for quality hay, you are going to see a profit of $51 per ton, or $204 per acre.

What is the R-value of a bale of straw?

The reported R-value of straw bale walls varies from R 2.38 per inch to R 0.94 per inch.

Do hay bales make good insulation?

A thick coat of plaster covers the bales, keeping them dry and protecting them from fire. Inch for inch, straw bales insulate about the same as fiberglass, but because they are so much thicker than typical rolls of insulation, they provide a stronger shield against heat and cold.

How much does it cost for a bale of hay?

The average cost of a square hay bale is between $3 to $10 and $30 to $100 for a round hay bale. There are several factors that can contribute to the cost of hay including the type of hay, size, location, and time of year.

How much does one bale of hay cost in California?

The average cost for square bale hay in California ranges from $7 to $12 per bale, with some sellers charging prices as high as $15+ or more per alfalfa bale. California is another state that is great to buy by ton and will be more affordable with the bulk discount rate.

What is the price of a round bale of hay?

Specifically, alfalfa -grade hay bales are priced between $140 and $165 per ton, while grass, midquality hay bales are selling for $125 to $150 per ton. how much does a round bale of hay cost 2019? Hay Prices However, due to the long winter, big round bales are selling for $20 to $30 per bale more than a year ago, the Iowa auction owner says.

Where to rent hay bales?

Jun. 22—Hay producers are playing catch-up in Henderson County because of cutting delays brought about by many days of rain in May and early June. Texas AgriLife Extension Agent Spencer Perkins said the baling is far from done. “Generally speaking