How many trains are running from Mumbai to Varanasi?

How many trains are running from Mumbai to Varanasi?

There are 8 weekly trains and 5 daily trains that run from Mumbai to Varanasi , covering the shortest distance of about 1508 km by DARBHANGA EXP(11061).

How can I go to Varanasi from Mumbai by train?

The first train to Varanasi from Mumbai is 22177 Mahanagari Exp. From Mumbai, the train takes 27hr 25min to reach Varanasi. This train starts at 00:10:00 from Mumbai CSMT and reaches Varanasi BSB at 03:35:00. It operates on a few days namely Mon, Tues, Wed, Thur, Fri, Sat, Sun.

How many trains are running from Mumbai to Uttar Pradesh?

mumbai to lucknow Trains Route Details

Number of Trains from mumbai to lucknow 14 Trains
Distance from mumbai to lucknow By Train: 1411 Km
Fastest Train from mumbai to lucknow : ANTYODAYA EXP(12597)
Slowest Train from mumbai to lucknow : AVADH EXPRESS(19038)

Which is the fastest train for Varanasi?

Covering a distance of 769 kms in 11 hours and 30 mins, Poorva Express is the fastest among all the trains that run along this route.

How can I go to Varanasi from Mumbai?

Mumbai to Varanasi train services, operated by Indian Railways, depart from Dadar station. Train or fly from Mumbai to Varanasi? The best way to get from Mumbai to Varanasi is to fly which takes 4h 18m and costs ₹4,800 – ₹9,000. Alternatively, you can train, which costs ₹650 – ₹3,000 and takes 26h 46m.

How much time take from Mumbai to Varanasi?

Distance Between Mumbai to Varanasi

Distance between Mumbai to Varanasi by Road is 1611 Kms
Distance between Mumbai to Varanasi by Flight is 1249 Kms
Travel Time from Mumbai to Varanasi by Road is 26:56 hrs
Nearest Airport in Mumbai Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport (19.08, 72.88)

Can I travel from Mumbai to Lucknow?

You can reach Lucknow from Mumbai by travelling in a train. Mumbai to Lucknow train takes approximately 21 h 45 m. You can catch a train from Mumbai and get down at Lucknow. The price of the train ticket is approximately Rs.

Which is the best time to visit Varanasi?

The best time to visit Varanasi is during the winter months (November to February). Although it gets fairly cold during the winters, this is the best time when you can explore the holy city without getting tired. The average low temperature is around 5°C.