What is event 153?

What is event 153?

Event ID 153 Disk IO operations (Server 2019 Guest VM – HyperV) becomes unresponsive and reboots.

What is event ID 129?

Note Event 129 typically means that something is wrong with the disk or that there are faulty logical unit numbers (LUNs). However, in this case, these ID 129 events are harmless.

What does Event ID 4609 refer to in Windows event viewer?

This event is logged when COM+ Event System detected a bad return code during its internal processing. Resolution : The system detected an internal error in the COM+ Service. However, there is not enough information in the event message to provide a definitive recommendation to resolve the problem.

Which hard drive is DR0?

You can be certain that the error message \Device\Harddisk0\DR0 is referencing Disk 0 as listed in the Disk Management MMC (Run > diskmgmt. msc ). The Harddisk# syntax always refers to the disk number, but keep in mind this will be the disk number involved in the error message at the time the error was logged.

How do I fix event ID 129?

Method 1: Change the hard disk and PCI-E power settings. One effective method to get rid of your id 129 events is to change the power management settings of your devices on your computer.

How can I check reboot history?

Using Event Logs to Extract Startup and Shutdown Times

  1. Open Event Viewer (press Win + R and type eventvwr ).
  2. In the left pane, open “Windows Logs -> System.”
  3. In the middle pane, you will get a list of events that occurred while Windows was running.
  4. If your event log is huge, then the sorting will not work.

What is UASPStor?

UASPStor is part of the Windows USB support system. However other parts of the system can affect its stability. Update the BIOS, chipset drivers, and any other USB drivers at the System/Motherboard Maker’s site. And check with its Support and Forums for known issues.

What is a bad block disk?

Bad blocks and bad sectors are pieces of the hard drive’s surface that a program or the drive itself finds unreliable. Any files written to a bad block could be lost. Any hard drive scanner, including Windows’ own Chkdsk, can find potential bad blocks, attempt to remove data from them, and mark them unusable.