How do you get to the Legends Guild?

How do you get to the Legends Guild?

To enter the grounds of the Legends’ Guild, players must have started the Legends’ Quest. However, to enter the actual building, players must have completed the entire quest. Radimus Erkle is the headmaster of the guild, and he is also the start point of the Legends’ Quest.

How do I teleport to Legends Guild?

There are several methods of getting to the Legends’ Guild:

  1. Fairy ring BLR teleports the player to a point just outside the main gates.
  2. The Sixth-Age circuit teleports to Guthix’s Cave to the west of the guild.
  3. The Ardougne Teleport or the Camelot Teleport transports the player west or north of the guild, respectively.

How do I get my Radimus notes back?

If you lose the notes at any time during the quest then you can talk to Radimus Erkle and pay 30 coins to get them back. Once the map is completed, the player should give the notes to a Jungle Forester in exchange for a bull roarer.

How do you recharge glories?

After at least one charge has been used, an amulet of glory can be recharged by using it on the Fountain of Heroes below the Heroes’ Guild, which requires the completion of Heroes’ Quest to access. Doing so will fully charge all the amulets in the player’s inventory to 4 charges.

How do you join a Heroes Guild?

The Heroes’ Guild has Taverley to the south and Burthorpe to the north. The fastest way to get there is with the Teleport to House spell (if your house is in Taverley) or a redirected Taverley teleport tablet. Another option is to use a games necklace or the Minigame Group Finder teleport to the Burthorpe Games Room.

What does amulet of glory do?

The amulet of glory is a dragonstone amulet enchanted by the Magic spell Enchant Level 5 Jewellery. It provides good damage bonuses for having no requirements to wear, is much less expensive than the amulet of fury, and offers useful teleports.