What is a blue melody?

What is a blue melody?

Blues songs are often texted, and the lyrics consist of a lyric line which gets repeated, then followed by a contrasting line (aab). Melodies often follow this structure. Blues melodies often leave large gaps to allow for call and response between the melodic instrument and other instruments.\

What kind of music is called the blue?

What is the blues? The blues is a form of secular folk music created by African Americans in the early 20th century, originally in the South. Although instrumental accompaniment is almost universal in the blues, the blues is essentially a vocal form.

How do you write a blue scale?

The blues scale is made from the 1st, flattened 3rd, 4th, flattened 5th, 5th and flattened 7th notes from the major scale above. The 2nd and 6th notes of the major scale are not used. To flatten a note, just replace it with the piano key lower in pitch ie. lower down the piano.

What are blue scales in piano?

A blues scale consists of 6 different notes, namely the root, flat 3rd, 4th, flat 5th, 5th and flat 7th of the major scale: 1 – b3 – 4 – b5 – 5 – b7. For instance, in the C blues scale the notes are C – Eb – F – Gb – G – Bb – C.

How do you write blue music?

Blues music has a three-line verse structure where the second line repeats the first – A A B. In the first line state the problem. In the second line you repeat the first line. In the third line state the solution (or consequence).

What is blue scale on piano?

What are the Blue Notes in the blues scale?

The blue notes are ♯ 4/♭5 in the minor blues scale and ♭3 in the major blues scale. The more common minor blues scale has the semitone pattern 1-2-♭3-4-♭5-♭7, and the major blues scale has the pattern 1-2-♭3-3-5-6.

What are the different types of blues scales?

Different blues scales can be built on both major and minor scales, but all blues scales are constructed with notes taken from simple 5-note pentatonic scales. If you’re unfamiliar with how to play blues scales, starting by memorizing pentatonic scales first is your best bet.

What is unusual about the C blues scale?

It is also unusual in that some of its notes are considered blue notes, meaning that they are not played exactly at the pitch you would expect. In the C Blues scale, for example, the note E ♭ is often played slightly sharp, somewhere between E ♭ and E.

What chords go well with the blues scale?

For example, a song in the C Blues scale would mainly use the chords C7, F7 and G7, and the notes of these are shown below. The Blues scale fits well with all of these chords because it contains the defining root note and flat seventh note of each one of them.