Animal testing: pros and cons

24 April in the calendar of ecological dates is marked as the world day of protection of laboratory animals that was established by the International Association against painful experiments on animals in 1979 and supported by the UN. If you are interested in the topic, go through our argumentative essay on animal testing.

Should animals be used for scientific or commercial testing?

I must say that the animals were used in experiments since ancient times, but the work was sporadic. The concept of “laboratory animal” has developed in the late 19th century in connection with rapid development of experimental biology and medicine, and in the second half of the 20th century method of scientific experimentation on animals was formed as an independent direction. Before entering the pharmacy counter, drugs are many animal testing and its gifts to humans in the next 15-20 years.

Pros for animal testing

The most common test that determines the ability of a substance to irritate mucous membranes. It is this: rabbits are fixed in the machines, then they on the cornea to apply a substance (e.g., everyone’s favorite “Fairy”), and then there are changes in the cornea until its death which can only come in a week or two. And rabbits here not the collective image of the laboratory animal; they are used because they have not allocated the tears, and, consequently, the applied substance is not washed off. At the same time, the money might be spent on an animal testing ads campaign for a healthy lifestyle.

In other animals (namely, rats) reduced ability to vomit, so take them for testing General toxicity of the substances entering their animals into the stomach through a tube.

For almost 20 years the cosmetics can be checked for security, and anybody not racking up. Alternative testing methods are divided into two groups: laboratory testing without using living organisms (in vitro) and computer modeling.

Speaking of research, “75% of experiments on animals today could successfully be replaced by cell cultures,” – a virologist, member of the Committee on bioethics at the Academy of Sciences.

However, all cosmetics entering the market, are tested by CPS. These inspections are also used by animals. If the EU companies pay for their products, we pre-market departmental control. Animal testing holds the office and take money for it. It is also worth noting that in Europe prohibited the testing of cosmetic products on animals.

Full list of companies that test on animals, you can see in this blog.

Also not nervous, not pregnant and not lactating, I recommend to watch a movie about the cruelty and futility of animal experiments – “Experimental Paradigm”.

On animals experience not only medicines, but also cosmetics, construction and packaging materials, cleaning products and other products. Animals breathe from the substance, whose concentration is so great that most of the animals died of poisoning. Industrial test Driza for cosmetics (mascara, lipstick, etc.) is performed as follows. Animals that are fully conscious, causing the eye of the test substance and waiting until the damage of the cornea. The rabbit’s head firmly fixed with a special collar, and the animal can’t even paw to the eyes, which erodes the applied drug. Often the test ends with the cornea becomes cloudy, the eye dies.

Quotes about animal testing

Man with all his ingenuity could reduce their need to use animals without bringing harm to their health and well-being. To solve the problem of animal testing by the adoption of the Federal law “About the cruel treatment of animals”, financing professionals, developing alternatives to animal testing and implementation of the new discipline of bioethics (science about respect for all living things) in universities as a compulsory subject.

I want to believe that “the time will come when the world will look at modern vivisection in the name of science, how he looks now to burning people at the stake in the name of religion”.