What is an example of exploratory testing?

What is an example of exploratory testing?

Exploratory testing allows you to think outside the box and come up with use cases that might not be covered in a test case. For example, you might perform one test and then ask yourself, “What if I tried this? What if I didn’t do that?”

Is exploratory testing context driven?

Skills required for Exploratory testing Exploratory testing is a creative context-driven activity that is focused on finding defects and issues within the application and then publishing all detected defects.

What is exploratory testing and when should it be used?

Exploratory testing is an approach to software testing that is often described as simultaneous learning, test design, and execution. It focuses on discovery and relies on the guidance of the individual tester to uncover defects that are not easily covered in the scope of other tests.

What are the different types of exploratory testing?

Types of Exploratory Testing

  • Freestyle Exploratory Testing. Think of this as exploratory testing with an ad-hoc approach.
  • Scenario-based Exploratory Testing. This form of exploratory testing is based on real user scenarios.
  • Strategy-based Exploratory Testing.

Is exploratory testing black box testing?

Exploratory testing is often thought of as a black box testing technique. Instead, those who have studied it consider it a test approach that can be applied to any test technique, at any stage in the development process.

What is exploratory testing in QA?

“Exploratory testing” – as the name suggests, is a simultaneous learning, test design, and test execution process. We can say that in this testing test planning, analysis, design and test execution, are all done together and instantly.

Is exploratory testing black box?

Why is exploratory testing needed?

Exploratory Testing helps testers to get more creative and not get loaded with routine testing activities. Findings from exploratory approach can help testing teams to build a strong test management system, which captures learning and expertise of various members in the testing team.

What is the difference between exploratory testing and adhoc testing?

During Exploratory Testing, you learn and test the software simultaneously.” Ad-hoc testing is an informal, free-form method of software testing, which you can perform without profound knowledge of test subject that offers the possibility of unearthing critical bugs missed by automated or regression testing.

Who performs exploratory testing?

skilled testers
Exploratory testing has always been performed by skilled testers. In the early 1990s, ad hoc was too often synonymous with sloppy and careless work.

Is exploratory testing white box?

What is exploratory testing in Agile?

Exploratory testing is the simultaneous process of test design and test execution. Unlike scripted testing, it doesn’t restrict the tester to a predefined set of instructions. This shouldn’t be seen as a lack of preparation but rather as a method of not constraining the tester.

What is the difference between scripted and exploratory testing?

On the contrary, exploratory testing is a simultaneous process of test design and test execution all done at the same time. Scripted Test Execution is usually a non-thinking activity where testers execute the test steps and compare the actual results with expected results.

What is exploratory testing and why should you do it?

Because you are not bound by the test case steps, exploratory testing lets you find important defects faster. It allows you to cover more ground and focus on testing the “what ifs.” For example, let’s say you’re assigned to test the “Edit Bookmark” functional area in a product.

What is context driven testing?

Context Driven Testing is a mindset shift (or School of testing) developed by Cem Kaner, James Bach & Bret Pettichord. Details about it can be found in their famous book: Lessons Learned in Software Testing. There are 7 basic principles to it.

Is context-driven testing part of the agile development model?

Agile development models advocate for a customer-responsive, waste-minimizing, humanistic approach to software development and so does context-driven testing. However, context-driven testing is not inherently part of the Agile development movement. For example, Agile development generally advocates for extensive use of unit tests.