How do you use tangentially?
Tangential in a Sentence 🔉
- I hardly ever learn anything in my history class because my teacher always rambles off on a tangential topic that has nothing to do with history.
- During the student’s presentation, she was so nervous her speech was filled with tangential thoughts that were not related to each other.
What does the word tangent mean in one word?
Definition of tangent (Entry 1 of 2) 1 : an abrupt change of course : digression the speaker went off on a tangent. 2a : the trigonometric function that for an acute angle is the ratio between the leg opposite to the angle when it is considered part of a right triangle and the leg adjacent.
What does tangentially related mean?
Definition of tangentially in a way that is only slightly related or relevant:The novel dedicates a huge amount of space to characters and events that are, at most, tangentially connected to the main plot.
What is a tangent in a discussion?
Definition of go off on a tangent : to start talking about something that is only slightly or indirectly related to the original subject She went off on a tangent about what happened to her last summer.
Is tangential to?
In geometry, a tangent is a straight line that touches a curve at a single point. So we say that someone who starts talking about one thing and gets sidetracked has gone off on a tangent. The new subject is tangential to the first subject—it touches it and moves off in a different direction.
What does expression on a tangent mean?
Why do we say tangent?
Tangent is mainly a mathematical term, meaning a line or plane that intersects a curved surface at exactly one point. The non-mathematical meaning of tangent comes from this sense of barely touching something: when a conversation heads off on a tangent, it’s hard to see how or why it came up.
What direction is tangentially?
At any point on a circle, you can pick two special directions: The direction that points directly away from the center of the circle (along the radius) is called the radial direction, and the direction that’s perpendicular to this is called the tangential direction.
Why do I go on tangents?
People experiencing anxiety may engage in tangentiality by talking excessively about seemingly unrelated topics or by being unable to listen to another person’s opinions or ideas. When tangentiality is caused by anxiety it is often short lived, but chronic tangentiality may indicate an ongoing problem with anxiety.
What is the meaning of tangential?
tan·​gen·​tial | tan-ˈjen(t)-shəl . 1a : touching lightly : incidental, peripheral tangential involvement also : of little relevance arguments tangential to the main point. b : divergent, digressive. 2 : of, relating to, or of the nature of a tangent. 3 : acting along or lying in a tangent tangential forces.
What do flowers mean to you?
Flower meanings and symbolism Flowers are such a beauty among us. We use them to beautify our worlds and lives. They add essence and meaning to our lives and make our lives beautiful and a lot happier by their presence.
Why do we need flowers in our lives?
We use them to beautify our worlds and lives. They add essence and meaning to our lives and make our lives beautiful and a lot happier by their presence. Discover the symbolism behind your favorite flowers and learn about them, their meaning and their importance to human society and culture.
What are some flowers that convey meaning through language?
Iris flowers are a tip-off that the bouquet is a message. Then consider some white bellflowers ( Campanula carpatica) for gratitude, amaranth for affection, and maybe some spearmint for warm feelings. How’s that for conveying meaning through the language of flowers?