What is the best app for listening to podcasts on iPhone?

What is the best app for listening to podcasts on iPhone?

If you want a default Apple experience, use Apple Podcasts. If you want social features, Breaker is the best app for you. If you want the best overall audio experience, Overcast is hands down the best. If you subscribe to a lot of shows, Castro can help you manage your now playing list.

How do I find old podcasts on Apple?

all you have to do is select the podcast in your itunes hit podcast settings, select keep and download “all episodes” and then you will see all the old ones too.

How do I get my podcast app from oldest to newest?

How to choose the order that episodes play in

  1. Open the Podcasts app.
  2. Go to the Library tab, then tap Shows.
  3. Tap the show to see its information page.
  4. Tap the More button in the top right-hand corner, then tap Settings.
  5. Tap Oldest To Newest or Newest To Oldest.

Which podcast app is most popular?

Apps used to listen to podcasts in the U.S. 2019-2020 In 2020, the most commonly used app for listening to podcasts in the United States was Spotify, with 25 percent of podcast listeners aged 18 or above saying that they used Spotify to listen to podcasts.

What can I use instead of Apple podcast app?

Best podcast apps for iPhone in 2022

  • Apple Podcast.
  • Spotify.
  • Google Podcasts.
  • Podcast App.
  • Castbox Podcast Player.
  • Pocket Casts.
  • Overcast.
  • Podbean.

How do I use podcast app on iOS?

How to follow podcasts on iPhone or iPad

  1. Open the Podcasts app.
  2. Browse or search for a show. Need help finding the shows that you like?
  3. Tap the show to see its information page.
  4. Tap the Follow button .

How do I download old Podcasts?

Download Podcasts

  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open Google Podcasts .
  2. At the bottom, tap Home .
  3. At the top right, tap your Profile picture or initial. Podcast settings.
  4. Under “Downloads,” tap Auto downloading.
  5. Turn on Auto download new episodes.
  6. Under “Your subscriptions,” turn on podcasts you want to auto download.

Why can’t I see all podcast episodes Apple?

Apple Podcasts is Not Showing All Episodes If that still does not work, try toggling the Airplane mode on and off and it will re-fetch the episodes for you. Toggle the WiFi network you are connected to off and on and this will help with resolving the issue on your device. Restart the device.

How do I get my Podcasts from the oldest to the newest on my iPhone?

When you follow a podcast, you can play episodes in order, beginning with the newest or oldest episode.

  1. Open the Podcasts app.
  2. Go to the Library tab, then tap Shows.
  3. Tap the show to see its information page.
  4. Tap the More button in the top-right corner, then tap Settings.
  5. Tap Oldest To Newest or Newest To Oldest.

How do I play continuous Podcasts on my iPhone?

How to get the Podcast app to continuous play podcasts

  1. Open Settings > Podcasts.
  2. Scroll down to Podcast Settings.
  3. Toggle on Continuous Playback.

What is the best device for podcasts?

Best MP3 players for podcasts

  • 1 of 6. Microsoft Zune. A fantastic podcast option, the Zune even ekes past the iPod for the top spot.
  • 2 of 6. “”=”” rel=”follow”>Apple iPod Touch. Ah, the forerunner.
  • 3 of 6. Samsung P3.
  • 4 of 6. Sony X-Series Walkman.
  • 5 of 6. Cowon D2+
  • 6 of 6. SanDisk Sansa Fuze.

Does luminary have video?

STATUS Video Podcast | Luminary.

What are the best podcast apps?


  • Topics
  • Video livestream
  • How to get started listening to podcasts?

    New episodes land in the NEW tab.

  • Press play to listen to episodes from your queue in order.
  • Re-order your queue to plan your next few hours of listening at any time.
  • Browse your library to review the back catalogue,quickly access starred shows,and see your listening history.
  • How do I connect to a podcast?

    Log in to Apple Podcasts Connect.

  • Click Account.
  • In the Details tab,click Sign Up.
  • Click Confirm.
  • How do I get podcasts on my iPhone?

    Open the Podcasts app.

  • Browse or search for a show,or choose one from your Library.
  • Tap the Play button next to an episode’s name.