What is the minecraft hunger games server?
Minecraft Hunger Games Servers
Rank | IP Address |
#1 | mcsl.tulipsurvival.com Players: 174 / 500 Votes (April): 19 Votes (all time): 112196 |
#2 | mc.advancius.net Players: 78 / 300 Votes (April): 1752 Votes (all time): 13272 |
#3 | mcsl.pixelsurge.net Players: 7 / 2022 Votes (April): 334 Votes (all time): 372 |
Where can I play Hunger games in Minecraft?
Mineplex is another hugely popular monolith of a Minecraft mini-games server that offers the hunger games game mode. The Mineplex name is a household name among Minecrafters, and the server has thousands of players at any given time on the network, making finding matches extremely easy.
Who won the Hunger Games with a brick?
Wade used all of his energy to fight they boy, since he was extremely skilled in close-combat. While he knocked the boy from 10 to the ground, he took a brick, and smashed it into the boy’s head until he died.
How old can you be in the Hunger Games?
Reaping: The annual drawing of names to decide which tributes will go to the games. Children must enter the reaping at age 12 and add one entry each year until age 18. Because the entries are cumulative, at 18 one name has been entered seven times.
What Minecraft servers have Hunger Games?
What Minecraft Servers have Hunger Games? All the servers listed above have Hunger Games, but the two most popular ones are Hypixel and Mineplex. Minecraft Survival Games is a type of minigame (just like Capture The Flag, Lucky Block, Battle Royale& TNT Run) that can be found on both Java and Bedrock / Pocket Edition/ MCPE servers.
Can you fight to the death in Minecraft Hunger Games?
Welcome to the 74th Hunger Games Welcome to the Hunger Games in Minecraft! With this mod you can finally fight to the death in a Hunger Games! Complete with eight smart tributes that will wander to find you. Warning, extremely powerful. Might want to listen to your mentor and not go for the cornucopia with these tributes!
How many people are on the Hunger Games server?
Hunger Games Server. 32 Players Online. 0 Votes. Java. Online. 6. Minecraft Central Server IP: mccentral.org. Version 1.16. Hunger Games Server.
What are the best things to get in the Hunger Games?
Rock, Tracker Jacker Hive, and berry bush. Items and food: Mockingjay pin, lava launcher, fireballs, nightlock berries, crackers, beef strips, squirrel meat, blackberries, (Remember, be cautious when eating fruit in the Hunger Games!) and all of the 12 district breads!