How far is Marrakech from Casablanca?

How far is Marrakech from Casablanca?

The distance between Marrakesh and Casablanca is 220 km. The road distance is 240 km.

How do I get from Marrakech to Casablanca?

The best way to get from Casablanca to Marrakesh is to train which takes 2h 39m and costs MAD 80 – MAD 150. Alternatively, you can bus, which costs MAD 80 – MAD 130 and takes 3h 15m, you could also fly, which costs MAD 750 – MAD 1,100 and takes 2h 36m.

Is Marrakech near Casablanca?

The Marrakech airport is only a short drive (15 +minutes) from the old town. The train ride from Marrakech to Casablanca is about 3.5 hours most tourists book first-class. A private bus will typically take 2.5 3 hours through the modern highway, with nice scenery.

How long should I stay in Casablanca?

Although I love Casablanca, I wouldn’t advise the casual visitor to spend more than 2 nights there. It is worth that if only for the sights that are there and as a gentle introduction to Morocco as it is virtually hassle-free.

Is Casablanca good for tourists?

Casablanca is a city for travelers who like to feel like a local, rather than a tourist, and who want to experience the present as well as learn about the past. The enormity of Casablanca, Morocco’s most populous city, means visitors have to make an effort to discover its hidden details.

Which is better Agadir or Casablanca?

When we compare the travel costs of actual travelers between Casablanca and Agadir, we can see that Casablanca is more expensive. And not only is Agadir much less expensive, but it is actually a significantly cheaper destination. So, traveling to Agadir would let you spend less money overall.

Can you swim in the ocean in Casablanca?

Visitors can also enjoy swimming in the ocean yet it is somewhat breezy and rough. The beach is a very famous attraction for locals especially on summer nights when restaurants and clubs are all open for people.