Is Wolverine a Class 5 mutant?

Is Wolverine a Class 5 mutant?

But, how powerful is he, actually, and what is Wolverine’s mutant class level? According to the standard Mutant Power Level Classification of Marvel’s Earth-616 (Prime Earth), Wolverine is a Beta-level mutant, which means that he can actually pass off as a human, but only if not observed very carefully.

Is Phoenix a Class 5 mutant?

The results shown presented the following as Alpha-Level Mutants: Franklin Richards, Phoenix, Legion, Professor X, Storm, Namor, Sebastian Shaw, Havok, and Sinister (though he was not classified a mutant at the time).

Who are the Class 4 mutants?

Professor X.

  • Magneto.
  • Mystique.
  • Beast.
  • Jean Grey.
  • Storm.
  • Nightcrawler.
  • Quicksilver.
  • Is Wanda a Class 5 mutant?

    Wanda possesses the incredible power of Chaos Magic. Wanda’s power can warp reality and existence and bring total destruction to the cosmos. According to S.H.I E.L.D, Wanda’s Comparative Mutagenic Power is 9.3. Wanda is also a class 5 mutant, as stated by Iron Man and an Omega level mutant.

    Is Charles Xavier a Level 5 mutant?

    Professor Charles Xavier was an Alpha-Level Mutant, an Omega Class Telepath, was said to possess the most powerful brain in existence, to be the world’s greatest telepath, and possesses vast psionic powers.

    What level mutant is Charles Xavier?

    Alpha-Level Mutant
    Professor Charles Xavier was an Alpha-Level Mutant, an Omega Class Telepath, was said to possess the most powerful brain in existence, to be the world’s greatest telepath, and possesses vast psionic powers.

    What are the power levels of X-Men mutants?

    In Fox’s X-Men movies, mutant power levels were classified with a numerical system that identified Jean Grey as the only Class Five mutant he’d ever seen. Alpha Class mutants were the most powerful mutants in the dystopian world of the Age of Apocalypse, where they topped Beta Class, Gamma Class and the Dregs, respectively.

    Is there a Class 5 Mutants category?

    Confirmed Class Five Mutants. A character can only be added to this category if they have a reference for when they were ‘outed’ as a Class Five. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.

    What is the X-Men’s Mutant classification system?

    But until recently, this mutant classification system wasn’t that formalized within Marvel comic book continuity. Sometimes ‘Alpha’ was used to denote the most powerful of mutants, while at other times ‘Omega’ was the most powerful classification. Nevertheless, versions of the system were used by the X-Men, SHIELD, the Shi’ar Empire, and others.

    What is the most powerful X-Men class?

    Sometimes ‘Alpha’ was used to denote the most powerful of mutants, while at other times ‘Omega’ was the most powerful classification. Nevertheless, versions of the system were used by the X-Men, SHIELD, the Shi’ar Empire, and others.