What is the current price of Daraprim?

What is the current price of Daraprim?

The cost for Daraprim oral tablet 25 mg is around $23,702 for a supply of 30 tablets, depending on the pharmacy you visit. Prices are for cash paying customers only and are not valid with insurance plans.

What is Daraprim used for?

This medication is used with other medication (such as a sulfonamide) to treat a serious parasite infection (toxoplasmosis) of the body, brain, or eye or to prevent toxoplasmosis infection in people with HIV infection.

How much does pyrimethamine cost?

Pyrimethamine is used to treat or prevent certain types of malaria. There is currently no generic version of Pyrimethamine available in the United States. The average cost for 6, 25 mg Pyrimethamine tablets is around $4,790.

Did Daraprim price decrease?

This increase caused public outrage, and the CEO of the manufacturer, Martin Shkreli, was put behind bars for wire fraud. But despite the outrage and legal action, prices for Daraprim have not decreased in price—one tablet still costs $750.

How often should you take Daraprim?

Daraprim Usage Take Daraprim exactly as prescribed. This medication is comes in tablet form and is taken up to 2 times a day, with or without food. If anorexia and vomiting occur, try taking Daraprim with meals. Taking folinic acid is strongly recommended when used for the treatment of toxoplasmosis in all patients.

Is there an alternative to Daraprim?

Imprimis, a California compounding pharmaceutical company, said in October it would make the alternative—a compounded formulation of the active ingredient in Daraprim, pyrimethamine, and another drug, leucovorin—available for $99 for a 100-count bottle, or less than $1 per pill.

Who owns Daraprim?

NEW YORK — Martin Shkreli must return $64.6 million in profits that he and his former company reaped from raising the price of the lifesaving drug Daraprim, a federal judge ruled Friday, while also barring the provocative, imprisoned ex-CEO from participating in the pharmaceutical industry for the rest of his life.

What was the reason for Daraprim price increase?

In 2015, former pharmaceutical executive Martin Shkreli raised the price of Daraprim, a treatment for the parasitic disease toxoplasmosis, by 5,000%. Although the manufacturer announced plans to lower the price of the drug, it still costs $800 per pill in many pharmacies. Wendy S.