How do I get ROMmon mode back?

How do I get ROMmon mode back?

If your router gets stuck in ROMmon mode during the boot process, examine the value of the configuration register by entering the confreg command. Change the value of the configuration register as shown below to stop the router to go into the ROMmon mode after reloading.

How do you break ROMmon mode?

To manually boot into the ROMmon mode, you will need to reboot the device and break the boot sequence. Pressing the Ctrl+Break key combination during boot usually does this.

What is Confreg?

Configuration Register is a special 16 bits value that can be configured in Cisco routers. It is mainly used in three cases; To determine how the router boots. To determine boot options. To set console speed.

What is the break sequence for PuTTY?

The traditional key sequence for sending this signal from a PC keyboard is Ctrl-Break. Currently, this sends ^C in PuTTY. It doesn’t seem like a great loss to reassign it to sending a “break” signal. The previous behaviour of the Ctrl-Break key sequence can be accessed using Ctrl-C.

What does Confreg 0x2102 do?

The factory-default setting for the configuration register is 0x2102. This indicates that the router should attempt to load a Cisco IOS software image from Flash memory and load the startup configuration.

How do I boot from TFTP?

Setting up TFTP Server for a PXE Boot

  1. Get the TFTP server to work.
  2. Set up the DHCP Server.
  3. Copy the SuSe installation to somewhere accessible.
  4. Create the TFTP boot directory which will contain kernel, initial RAM disk (initrd) and configuration file.
  5. Create a remote control file.

How do I use Xmodem?

Use the Space bar to select XMODEM in the Method field. Press [Enter], then [X] (for eXecute) to begin the software download….For example, using HyperTerminal:

  1. Click on Transfer, then Send File.
  2. Enter the file path and name in the Filename field.
  3. In the Protocol field, select Xmodem.
  4. Click on the [Send] button.