How much does an enlarger cost?

How much does an enlarger cost?

Darkroom Enlarger (like this) – About $350 but can vary between $300 and $1,000+ Black and white Photographic Paper (like this) – Around $40. Paper safe box (like this) or paper safe bags (like this) – Around $60 for the paper safe box or about $30 for the paper safe bags.

What is a 4×5 enlarger?

The Intrepid Enlarger is the ultimate DIY photography tool, converting your 4×5 camera into a fully functional darkroom enlarger. You can use it to make prints from your colour or black/white 4×5, 120, or 35mm negatives and it can even be used to make scans of your negatives using a digital camera.

How do I choose an enlarger?

The lens is typically decided on based on the format and how far up you can move the enlarger head, and the focal length ususally parallels the “normal” focal length for that format. For instance, the ideal enlarger lens for printing 35mm negatives is 50mm; for medium format it’s 80mm, etc.

How does an enlarger work?

The principle of the enlarger is simple. It is basically a box with a light inside that transmits that light first through a negative and then a lens. The resulting reversed image is projected onto a sensitized piece of paper which, in turn, is placed in chemistry which develops the image.

Can you use enlarger lens?

Handholding. The simplest, but least exact, method of using an enlarger lens is to shoot handheld. With no lens mounted on the camera, wrap the enlarger lens in your hand and press it up against the camera mount. Moving your hand back and forth, it should be possible to roughly focus the lens.

How do you use an intrepid Enlarger?

The light source is held magnetically to the Enlarger body so can simply pop off when you want to scan. Then you just need to mount a digital camera or smart phone to a tripod or copy stand, lay the light source below and slot your film into the correct negative carrier and place it onto the light source.

How does enlarger work?

How do you add a negative to an enlarger?

Setting Up the Enlarger. Place your negative in the enlarger carrier. The enlarger carrier is a plastic tray that slides out of the enlarger. To put your negative in it, open up the tray, and insert the negative into it so the image you want to enlarge is lined up with the square hole in the tray.