What is a blue doctor?
Doctors who go above and beyond are recognized as part of Blue Distinction Total Care. These doctors focus on patient health and the quality of their practice. They also spend more time on prevention, wellness and personalized care.
What does total care mean in healthcare?
Total Care recognizes doctors that focus on health care instead of sick care. These doctors go above and beyond to enhance the overall health of their patients, providing preventive services and wellness coaching, as well as working with patients with chronic conditions to better meet their care needs.
What is total care in Texas?
Total Care, a Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association (BCBSA) national designation program, recognizes contracted doctors and hospitals for their efforts in coordinating total patient care. The Total Care Benefit Differential product helps you and your employees use providers with this total care distinction.
What does certified in total mean?
Certified in Total – Indicates that the precertification is completed to the certified/review date. This will be a certification of admission only or a certification of medical necessity.
What is considered total patient care?
Total patient care is a nursing model where one nurse provides total care to a single patient or a group of patients during his/her shift. During that shift, all the patient needs are addressed by the nurse, and in some cases, the nurse issues care until the end of the patient’s medical needs.
What is a code brown at Walmart?
Code blue Walmart is for a potential bomb threat. Code brown Walmart one is for a shooting in the store or on its premises. Green is for an active hostage situation.
What is code D in a hospital?
On March 16, two days after tests confirmed Yale New Haven Hospital’s first COVID-19 patient, hospital leaders declared a Code D (disaster) and activated the Hospital Incident Command Structure (HICS).