How do you interpret model fits in Amos?

How do you interpret model fits in Amos?

The value of interest here is the GFI for the default model and interpreted as follows:

  1. A value of 1 represents a perfect fit.
  2. A value ≥ 0.9 indicates a reasonable fit (Hu & Bentler, 1998).
  3. A value of ≥ 0.95 is considered an excellent fit (Kline, 2005).

What is SRMR in statistics?

Standardized Root Mean Square Residual (SRMR) is an index of the average of. standardized residuals between the observed and the hypothesized covariance.

What is GFI in Amos?

(A)GFI. (Adjusted) Goodness ofFit. GFI is the proportion of variance accounted. for by the estimated population covariance.

What is modification indices in Amos?

For all constrained parameters in the model, AMOS calculates a modification index. Modification indices indicate how much the chi-square value of a model would drop if the parameter were free instead of constrained (in other words, by how much the model fit would improve).

What is an unnamed variable?

The most common cause of the unnamed variable error is that there is a variable that the user cannot see. This can occur because (a) a variable was drawn that is particularly small, (b) a variable is drawn on top another variable. Another possibility is that a label has been added but not a variable name.

What is a good chi-square value Amos?

The expected value of a chi-square distribution equals the DF. If the model is a good fit to the data, it would not be unusual to see a chi-square that was smaller than the DF. A perfect fit would result in a chi-square of 0. A negative chi-square would indicate a problem that would require investigation.

What are modification indices?

An MI is an estimate of the amount by which the chi-square would be reduced if a single parameter restriction were to be removed from the model. There are thus as many MIs as imposed restrictions in the model.