What is a centrocyte?

What is a centrocyte?

A centrocyte generally refers to a B cell with a cleaved nucleus, as may appear in e.g. follicular lymphoma. Centrocytes are B cells that are found in the light zones of germinal centers.

What are Centroblasts and Centrocytes?

– Centrocytes are small to medium size with angulated, elongated, cleaved, or twisted nuclei. – Centroblasts are larger cells containing vesicular nuclei with one to three basophilic nucleoli apposing the nuclear membrane.

What does centroblast mean?

A centroblast generally refers to an activated B cell that is enlarged (12–18 micrometer) and is rapidly proliferating in the germinal center of a lymphoid follicle.

What are germinal center made of?

Germinal centers are oligoclonal clusters of B cells responding to antigen, typically in T cell-dependent immune responses (Thorbecke et al., 1994). B cells undergo intense clonal expansion in germinal centers, where they ultimately differentiate into long-lived plasma cells or memory B cells.

What are the grades of follicular lymphoma?

Grading of follicular lymphoma Grade 1 has the fewest large lymphocytes and grade 3B has the most. Grades 1 and 2 are often grouped together. Your doctor might call this ‘grade 1 to 2’ follicular lymphoma. Grades 1 to 2 and 3A follicular lymphoma are all slow-growing and are treated in the same way.

What are Immunoblasts?

Immunoblasts are large, rounded cells possessing moderate amounts of cytoplasm and characteristic, large vesicular rounded nuclei containing conspicuous nucleoli. Immunoblasts of B cell type characteristically show amphiphilic or pyrinophilic cytoplasm.

Do Centroblasts express BCR?

Many mutations introduced by somatic hypermutation will result in centrocyte clones expressing a BCR of unacceptably low affinity for antigen X.

What is germinal centres in spleen?

In spleen. Germinal centres in the white pulp serve as the sites of lymphocyte production. Similar to the lymph nodes, the spleen reacts to microorganisms and other antigens that reach the bloodstream by releasing special phagocytic cells known as macrophages.