What are 4 causes of the Industrial Revolution?

What are 4 causes of the Industrial Revolution?

Historians have identified several causes for the Industrial Revolution, including: the emergence of capitalism, European imperialism, efforts to mine coal, and the effects of the Agricultural Revolution. Capitalism was a central component necessary for the rise of industrialization.

What were the 4 main causes of the American Industrial Revolution quizlet?

upsurge in world trade, rising population, increase in capital (money), venture capitalist. , -abundant supply of natural resource, Increased consumer demand – cotton, iron, potter.

Why did the Industrial Revolution start quizlet?

Why did the Industrial Revolution begin in Great Britain? 1. natural resources were plentiful in Britain. The country’s rivers provided water power for the new factories and a means for transporting raw materials and finished products.

What were some causes of the Industrial Revolution and what effect did it have on the way products were made?

The Industrial Revolution shifted from an agrarian economy to a manufacturing economy where products were no longer made solely by hand but by machines. This led to increased production and efficiency, lower prices, more goods, improved wages, and migration from rural areas to urban areas.

What were the major effects of the Industrial Revolution quizlet?

New inventions and development of factories. Rapidly growing industry in 1800s. Increase production and higher demand for raw materials. Growth of worldwide trade.

What was the two major causes of Industrial Revolution?

Beginning in Great Britain and spreading all over the world, including the United States, the Industrial Revolution was primarily owing to the introductions and innovations in machinery and its technologies. The emergence of these technologies resulted in augmented productivity and impacted various societies immensely.

What did the Industrial Revolution cause?

The Industrial Revolution brought about sweeping changes in economic and social organization. These changes included a wider distribution of wealth and increased international trade. Managerial hierarchies also developed to oversee the division of labor.