Do you need to dial 011 for Germany?

Do you need to dial 011 for Germany?

To call Germany from the U.S., just follow these simple dialing directions: First dial 011, the U.S. exit code. Next dial 49, the country code for Germany, then the area code (2–5 digits)

How can I call Germany from USA for free?

If you are calling a German cell phone number, you don’t need to put in an area code. Alternatively, if you want to make a free international call to Germany, you can use Skype, Google Hangouts, or Facebook Messenger.

How are phone numbers written in Germany?

In this example, the German phone number is written like this: From outside of Germany: +49 211 5684962….German phone numbers consist of three parts:

  1. The international country code for Germany +49 (Ländervorwahl)
  2. The local area code, for example, Dusseldorf (0)211 (Vorwahl)
  3. The individual number 5684962.

How are German phone numbers written?

German mobile phone number format Here is an example of a German mobile phone number: +49 171 1234567.

What is the country code for Berlin Germany?


Location Country Code Landline Area Code
Berlin +49 (30)
Cologne +49 (221)
Leipzig +49 (341)

How to dial phone numbers in Germany?

How to dial German phone numbers. There are 3 ways to call a German phone number: Dial the whole number. For example, +49 152 901820 or 0049 152 901820. You must put a + or a 00 in front of the number. When you call from another country, dial the whole number. Dial the regional number. For example, 030 901820.

How to call Germany from the USA?

To call Germany from the U.S., first dial 011 to initiate an international call. After 011, dial 49, which is the country code for Germany. Once you’ve typed in both of those, put in the area code and phone number of the German number you want to call. If you are calling a German cell phone number, you don’t need to put in an area code.

What are the country calling codes?

The area code covers cities like Fayetteville, Jacksonville, Lumberton, Wilmington, and Fort Bragg. The 472 area code will overlay the same area. If you currently have a 910 number, there will be no change to your phone number. People who get a 472 area code phone number will need to dial the area code with a phone number for all local calls.

What is the 2 letter country code for Germany?

ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 is the main set of two-letter country codes that is currently used.

  • International vehicle registration codes are either two or three letters.
  • The United States Federal Information Processing Standard maintained a separate set of two-letter codes for countries until 2008.