How do I download horde?

How do I download horde?

If you use Horde web application in BASIC mode, please use the Folders link, right below the NEW MESSAGE button, once you select the folder to be downloaded, click “Choose Action” menu and click Download.

How do you set up horde?

When you’re ready to get Horde install on Ubuntu, follow the steps below:

  1. Step 1: Install Apache2 HTTP Server.
  2. Step 2: Install MariaDB Database Server.
  3. Step 2: Install PHP 7.2 and Related Modules.
  4. Step 3: Restart Apache2.
  5. Step 4: Create Horde Database.
  6. Step 3: Download and Configure Horde.

Is Horde Webmail POP3 or IMAP?

While Horde Groupware Webmail Edition is an application that is installed on a Web server and is run from a Web browser, it is only an IMAP and POP3 client, like Outlook, Apple Mail or Thunderbird.

How do I install Horde Webmail on Debian?

Install Horde 5 Webmail for ISPConfig on Debian Jessie through PEAR

  1. Install necessary packages.
  2. Remove conflicting packages.
  3. Register the Horde Pear channel.
  4. Set the Horde installation directory.
  5. Install Horde Groupware Webmail Edition.
  6. Create MySQL Database.
  7. Run installation script.

How do I download Horde Webmail?

Step 1 – Login in Horde webmail & click on Horde icon. Step 2 – Double-click on email which you want to save into local machine. Step 3 – Click on Save option. After that Horde email will be saved in your machine as an EML extension.

How do I access my horde email?

Under Email Accounts, locate the e-mail account that you want to access, and then click Check Email. Alternatively, you can use the URL, where is your domain name, to access webmail.

How do I access Horde Webmail?

How do I access my Horde email?

In Horde, click Folder Actions. Click Show All Mailboxes from the menu. You will then see a list of all the email accounts in your cPanel. Click one to view the Inbox.