How many civilian contractors are in Afghanistan?

How many civilian contractors are in Afghanistan?

According to the most recent Pentagon quarterly contractor census report, last updated in July, there were nearly 7,800 Defense Department contractors in Afghanistan, about 5,100 of whom were either third-country nationals or locals.

How many estimated Taliban fighters are there?

The Taliban’s strength is even harder to measure. According to the US Combating Terrorism Center at West Point, estimates suggest a core strength of 60,000 fighters. With the addition of other militia groups and supporters, that number could exceed 200,000.

What do contractors in Afghanistan do?

The Afghans had relied on contractors for everything from training and gear maintenance to preparing them for intelligence gathering and close air support in their battles against Taliban fighters.

How much does a civilian contractor make in Afghanistan?

It ranges from $50,000 to $250,000 per year. It all depends on your age, qualifications, experience, and location.

Why did Afghan army not fight Taliban?

ABANDONED. For the soldiers on the frontlines, they saw little reason to die when top leaders were fleeing. “When the Taliban got to the gates of Kabul, the soldiers knew the president was leaving — that’s why they didn’t fight,” said a former senior army officer who asked not to be named.

Are military contractors considered veterans?

The Secretary of Defense may determine that service for the Armed Forces by a group of civilians or contractors will be considered active service, allowing members of those groups to be considered veterans for purposes of VA benefits. Such determinations, authorized by the GI Bill Improvement Act of 1977 (P.L.

How many contractors are there in Afghanistan?

According to a report released by the US military this week, there are over 18,000 contractors in Afghanistan. The numbers mean that the Pentagon employs about seven contractors for each US service member in Afghanistan. At the height of President Obama’s Afghanistan surge, there was about one contractor for each US soldier.

How many private security contractors are working in Afghanistan under Trump?

The employment of private security contractors specifically in Afghanistan soared during Trump’s tenure to nearly 6,000. That number had been last seen more than five years prior during the Obama administration’s attempt to claim a withdrawal of U.S. forces from its longest war but maintain a residual security presence on the ground.

Did US military contractors pay Taliban protection money?

US military contractors in Afghanistan are at the center of a major scandal, having been accused of paying the Taliban “protection money” by families of US soldiers that have been wounded or killed in the country.

How many US troops are in Afghanistan?

President Donald Trump said he plans to increase the number of US troops in Afghanistan in a speech Monday night, and continue the longest-running war in American history. Currently, there are about 9,800 US troops stationed in Afghanistan and more than 26,000 contractors.