How can I reset my eFiling password without OTP?

How can I reset my eFiling password without OTP?

Step 1: Go to the e-Filing homepage and click Login. Step 2: On the Login page, enter your User ID and click Continue. Step 3: On the Login page, select Secure Access Message, Password option and click Forgot Password.

How do I get SARS verification?

How to verify a TCS via SARS eFiling

  1. Once you have logged in, setup your user groups and applicable user rights in order to perform TCS verifications.
  2. Click on “Tax Status.
  3. Select “Tax Compliance Status Verification”
  4. Complete the activation process.

How do I find my SARS OTP number?

Please do the following:

  1. Go to and click on “Manage Tax Type Transfer”
  2. Complete the following information below and click “Submit”
  3. SARS will ask you how you want to recieve your One Time PIN (OTP) – by email or by SMS.
  4. Lastly, the Power of Attorney notice must be approved.

How do I activate my eFiling account?

Registration Process

  1. Click ‘Register Yourself’ button located at right side of the Home Page.
  2. Select the user type as ‘Individual’. Click Continue.
  3. Provide the following basic details:
  4. Click ‘Continue’
  5. Fill in the following mandatory details:
  6. After registration,
  7. Enter the correct OTP to complete the registration process.

How can I change my registered mobile number in income tax Efiling?

How to change update Mobile number and email id in your Income Tax E filing account.

  1. Go to Income Tax e-Filing portal
  2. Click Login Here‟ button.
  3. The user is requested to update a Mobile number and E-mail ID and click on the “Continue” button.

What is the password for e filing?

Step 1: Visit website, under ‘Forget password’ option, click on ‘Reset’ tab. Step 2: The taxpayer has to enter his/her User ID (It is your PAN number), Captcha and click on ‘Continue’ button. Step 3: Select the ‘Using Aadhaar OTP’ from the drop-down options available.

How do I get my SARS confirmation letter online?

You can request a notice of registration through the following channels:

  1. eFiling: Once logged in to eFiling click on the “Notice of registration” icon on the ‘Home’ page to obtain your IT150.
  2. SMS: Request the issuing of the IT150 (Tax reference number) by sending an SMS to SARS on 47277.

How long does SARS verification process take?

within 21 business days
SARS will conclude the verification within 21 business days from the date all required relevant material is received, if your return is for the current filing period.

How do I use OTP for SARS eFiling?

How to confirm your OTP for eFiling registration

  1. Please login to your SARS efiling profile.
  2. Select the red “Complete Registration’ buttion.
  3. Select your preferred method of SARS communication (cell or email).
  4. Provide the One-Time Pin.
  5. Select the “My profile” button on the left-hand side.

How do I transfer my eFiling profile?

How to request a profile transfer on SARS efiling

  1. Log in using the login details you set up in the registration process.
  2. The screen will look like this (at the top).
  3. Click “Organisation” from the menu along the top and Request Tax Types from the drop-down menu on the left hand side.
  4. Create a new tax type request.

How do I get my SARS eFiling username and password?

Go to the SARS website and click on Forgot Password or Forgot Username and follow the prompts to have your password reset or your username sent to your security contact details.

How do I log into eFiling portal?

Step 1: Click Login on the e-Filing portal’s home page. Step 2: Enter your Aadhaar number in the Enter your User ID textbox and tap the Continue button. Step 3: After confirming your Secure Access Message, select OTP on your Aadhaar-registered mobile phone and click Continue.

How to register for SARS eFiling?

Name of the company

  • The address and contact number
  • The SARS tax number
  • The registration number
  • The company’s banking details
  • The year end of the company
  • How to register your company for SARS eFiling?

    Provisional Tax ( IRP6)

  • Organisation Income Tax ( ITR14)
  • IT Admin Penalty
  • How to add banking details to SARS eFiling?

    FNB reverse payment – How can you reverse an EFT payment FNB with ease?

  • All the details about FNB account types
  • How to calculate PAYE tax 2018?
  • How to book Your SARS eFiling appointment?

    Visit the SARS eFiling website and click on ‘Register’;

  • Download the MobiApp and tap on REGISTER; or
  • Visit your nearest SARS branch.