What happened between Garak and Dukat?

What happened between Garak and Dukat?

Garak became a close friend of Dukat’s father, learned everything he needed to, then turned him in. Later, Garak was required to interrogate Dukat’s father, but Dukat’s father resisted and Garak ended up killing him.

Are Garak and Bashir a couple?

The characters of Garak and Bashir were never romantically attached in Deep Space Nine canon, but their relationship has been speculated on by fans for decades. Now fans will have the chance to watch the characters’ originating actors play out their romance together.

What happens to Ziyal DS9?

As she was about to walk away, Ziyal was shot by Dukat’s aide Damar, who declared her a traitor. As Ziyal lay dying on the deck, Dukat knelt over her, assuring her that everything would be alright. Damar tried to pull Dukat away but was shunned, and Dukat wept as Ziyal slipped away.

How old was Ziyal?

Also as Praxius said, both were adults… Ziyal must have been 20 years old…old enough to make her own decisions and Garak never initiated anything anyway.

Is Gul Dukat dead?

As part of the ceremony to release the demonic beings, a sacrifice was required and so Winn killed Dukat by offering him a goblet of poisoned wine, believing that the Pah-wraiths would choose her to rule Bajor in a new age.

What happened to Garak at the end of DS9?

Garak was exiled after being forced even to betray his father/mentor, and they parted bitterly. In fact, Tain refused to give his son any forgiveness when he died alongside Garak in a Dominion prison camp in 2373.

Who does Julian end up with in DS9?

As depicted in the series finale “What You Leave Behind,” Bashir remains aboard Deep Space Nine, and begins a romantic relationship with Ezri Dax.

Is Mila Garak’s mother?

The Star Trek: Deep Space Nine novel A Stitch in Time reveals that Mila was indeed Garak’s mother, however, he was raised believing his father was a man named Tolan rather than Tain.

What character did Derek Garth play in ds9?

Derek C. Garth (22 July 1946 – 16 December 1996; age 50) was a production staff member on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, where he worked as a “grip”, a lighting and rigging technician. After Garth lost his life in an automotive accident in 1996, the episode “In Purgatory’s Shadow” was dedicated to his memory.

Are Kira and Ziyal sisters?

I’m inclined to say no, they aren’t sisters partly because I hated that episode and partly because I don’t like these sorts of “long-lost-siblings-come-together” storylines. but it was interesting how quickly Kira and Ziyal came to like each other….

What happened to Garak?

Who was Ziyal’s mother?

Born in 2354, the tragic daughter of Gul Dukat and his late Bajoran mistress, Tora Naprem, was 13 at the time when Dukat saw the end of Bajor’s occupation coming and arranged for them to live on Lisseppia.

What happened to Ziyal after DS9 was abandoned?

When DS9 was abandoned to the new Cardassian – Dominion alliance, Ziyal went to study art at Bajor’s university, but her blind trust in her father made her an unwitting pawn in his misguided romantic pursuit of Kira.

Will Ziyal be adopted by Kira Nerys?

Since as far back as she could remember, Kira Nerys actress Nana Visitor was very hopeful that a young Cardassian female might be adopted by Kira. However, Visitor was even happier with the concept of Ziyal, believing the idea of her being a protégée of Kira’s was an even better premise than being Kira’s adoptive daughter.

Do Kira and Jadzia ever talk about Ziyal?

In the scene, her paintings filled Kira’s quarters and Ziyal herself was briefly spoken about in a conversation between Kira and Jadzia Dax; when Dax observed Kira still missed Ziyal, Kira replied with an assurance she would “get over it.” ( Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Companion (p. 509))