What is Intel oversight?
Intelligence oversight ensures that NSA/CSS intelligence and intelligence-related functions comply with federal law, executive orders, and DoD and NSA policies, and that Agency activities are conducted consistently with civil liberties and U.S. person privacy protections.
What is the responsibility of mission oversight and compliance?
Director, Mission Oversight and Compliance (D/MOC)/SCOP. a. Coordinates with stakeholders to ensure NGA processes responses to Covered Requests in a timely, efficient, and compliant manner, with assistance from the General Counsel (GC) and other officers as necessary.
In what timeframe must an Inscom member report a questionable intelligence activity?
within five days
– Report any questionable activities in accordance with Procedure 15, AR 381-10, to DAIG (SAIG-IO) within five days.
Who does intelligence oversight apply to?
A9. Yes. Presidential Executive Order 12333 applies to the entire Executive Branch. All departments and agencies that conduct intelligence or counterintelligence activities must implement Intelligence Oversight programs.
Who has oversight on the NSA?
the Department of Defense
2. How are the activities of the NSA/CSS regulated and who monitors them? The U.S. Constitution, federal law, executive order, and regulations of the Executive Branch govern NSA’s activities. As a defense agency, NSA operates under the authority of the Department of Defense.
Does Dia fall under DoD?
A component of the Department of Defense (DoD) and the United States Intelligence Community (IC), DIA informs national civilian and defense policymakers about the military intentions and capabilities of foreign governments and non-state actors.
Why is intelligence oversight important?
Oversight Bodies. Intelligence oversight is a way to ensure that the IC works with the law and balances collecting essential information and protecting individuals’ interests and privacy.
What army regulation covers intelligence oversight?
The DCS, G–2 will— (1) As the Army senior official of the intelligence community (IC), exercise Army staff responsibility for intelli- gence oversight and be responsible for the propriety of U.S. Army intelligence activities, under the provisions of AR 10–5.
When should you report qia or S HSM?
Quarterly reports are due by the 15th day of the month following the end of the quarter, unless other arrangements have been approved by the DoD SIOO. Quarterly reports will describe all QIAs, S/HSMs, and crimes required by E.O. 12333 to be reported to the U.S. Attorney General that were identified during the quarter.
What two goals does intelligence oversight try to balance?
What two goals does IO try to balance? Protect national security. Protect individual constitutional rights.
Is CIA under Department of Defense?
All but the CIA reside in policy departments and serve departmental as well as national interests. Except for the CIA, which for reasons of security is funded in the Defense budget, they are funded by their parent department’s appropriation.
What is the Intelligence Oversight program?
1) The Intelligence Oversight program was established to ensure protection of the rights of US persons and to regulate DOD intelligence activities. 2) The Intelligence Oversight program only applies to personnel with intelligence specialties, since they are responsible for intelligence related functions at USSOCOM.
How do you conduct an intelligence oversight?
Identify the key directives guiding intelligence oversight 2. Describe the components involved in intelligence activities 3. Identify the reporting procedures for questionable intelligence activities 4. Describe the IO inspection methodology 30 Four-Bullet Summation 31 Intelligence oversight is:
Where can I find the DoD charter for Intelligence Oversight?
Our charter can be found at DoD Directive 5148.13. It is our hope that the information posted here is helpful to the DoD intelligence community in the establishment and conduct of Intelligence Oversight programs, and is informative to others interested in learning about this important process.
Who created the Intelligence Oversight Act of 1981?
•Signed by President Reagan in 1981 •Validated by subsequent administrations •Updated in 2008 9 Intelligence Oversight in U.S. •Congressional Oversight •Other Government Agencies •President’s Intelligence Advisory Board and Intelligence Oversight Board