Aids for Facial Expression Adjectives Teaching

Teaching aids are important because they create a visual and interactive experience for the students. As the students become more engaged, they are more likely to understand the topic being taught.

Teaching aids assist students in learning. These aids consist of video, audio and hands-on tools to help involve the students and enhance the learning experience.

Teachers begin using visual, audio and hands-on aids as early as preschool. Teaching aids can be as basic as a blackboard or whiteboard. Audio and visual equipment, such as DVD players and video projectors, are commonly used as tools for learning with a very effective output [15].

Students tend to get more involved when learning if teaching aids are implemented into the curriculum. Hands-on aids, such as computers, maps and other tools that require some sort of interaction from the students, have the highest levels of effectiveness. The tools are designed to involve the students, promote interaction, and promote faster learning and better comprehension. Being able to see, hear or get involved in a topic creates a much better method for learning.

How a teacher chooses to use learning aids in a classroom can vary dramatically. The main factor in the effective use of teaching aids is that a skilled teacher is behind the tools being used [15].

Choose some of the matching adjectives for each facial expression. It is better to work in groups. Have a group/class discussion after have worked individually (or in pairs), to debate whether everything is made the “right”. Fig. 1- 3 present the examples of teaching aids.

Fig. 1. “Find and match” activity [16].

Fig. 2. “Fill in the gaps” activity [17].

Fig. 3. “Fill in the gaps” activity [17].


Use these ‘Mood Words’ that are expressed with images of facial expressions both male and female… make 1/2 sentences with what you are in a mood to use.

Mind your sentences: they are generically used as adjectives three examples: 1) “I am in an adventurous mood and want to do something new today!” another type of usage can be; 2) “I felt that I accomplished ‘a milestone’ when my boss appreciated my efforts” and 3) “I was really ashamed when someone pointed out my mistake. I promised I will not repeat it!”.

Fig. 4 presents the teaching material.

Fig. 4. Mood adjectives teaching aid. (for intermediate students) [18].



Adjective is a part of speech that describes or modifies other words, making writing and speaking much more specific, and a whole lot more interesting. We can’t imagine our life without adjectives. Without them we cannot completely describe what are we talking or writing about. Because adjectives are used to identify or quantify individual people and unique things, they describe the noun.

We have accomplished the purpose and brought about the intended results for a number of tasks:

  • We have studied the role of adjective as a part of speech;
  • We have done a research on how to form adjective from the other parts of the speech;
  • We have learned about the types of an adjective, including base, derivative and compound adjectives, and their role in a sentence;
  • We have studied the right order of adjectives in a compound adjective;
  • We have exemplified the adjectives for face description.

The paper describes adjective as a content word, explaining and interpreting its types (base, derivative and compound adjectives) and subclasses (relative, qualitative and substantive adjectives). It also explains the order of word in compound adjective.

One of the most important role of the adjectives – is face description. Only using the adjective we can describe the faces, so the other can guess whom are we talking about. The paper exemplifies the face description in the literature (Mrs Dalloway by Virginia Woolf). So we can see that without adjectives we cannot imagine the character, but adjectives helps us to see the character from the book as it is a real person we saw ones.