Best organization system for high school

The Manifesto of a new education system: from the enlightenment to education. Problems of education are not associated with good or evil intentions of the reformers of the system, and underestimating the scale of changes required: the older system of successive local changes attempted to be brought into conformity with the new realities.

How to organize a binder for high school

In the result the old system was broken, but meet the new requests system is not built.

Feature of modern education is the change of subjectivity of the participants. New subjectivity dictates a lot of new individual requests, you need to understand and to formalize. Meet different requests requires coordination of the interests of all involved in the educational process subjects. The college binder organization of multiple queries requires a corresponding restructuring of the education system and, above all, structures, control system, remaining essentially unchanged. The experience of reforms has shown that even democratic law on education may not limit their usual authoritarian and Intrusive bureaucracy.

In this document we declare the General principles of restructuring. Details and detailed rules of engagement updated entities require separate consideration.

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Today there is no shortage of information and the teacher is not the only and the best source. Information available in any quantity, orientation and form of anyone. The student from passive object of education becomes an independent subject.

Under these conditions of enforced education in the external choice became very inefficient. More important is the ability to create conditions to motivate the student to learn.

The new subjectivity of the pupil requires an individual education program. At the same time, not everyone is ready to activate the self-selection that masks new subjectivity against the backdrop of massive loss of motivation to learn. Rate to support active students gradual promotion of new educational relations on the background of maintaining the traditional, but under the responsibility of the students themselves and their parents, and not the universal one for all program.

Organization tips for college students

In connection with the change in the relationship with the student and need of formation of individual educational trajectories, requires new competencies and even bundle the traditional single profession of a teacher for a few different types of activities.

Once the state was the customer education and determined the need for specialists. Gradually, as the saturation of the acute staffing needs and improve the level of education of society, the state cannot fulfill this function. Without explicit customer education is impossible to form reasonable criteria for assessing the quality of education.

Fashion for a variety of ratings and evaluations based on contrived options are useful only for the formal comparison between themselves and someone from the outside. It is necessary to institutionalize all possible types of customers in the education and give them the opportunity to form your order.

College organizing tips:

  • the student (parent) on the basis of their educational needs, including on the basis of the evaluation of the labor market,
  • the state, represented by specific departments and territories, given the different interests at different levels and local characteristics,
  • business, given its differences in scale and dynamics of development,
  • educational organization that has a stable demand or external relations.

The government, as a responsible Manager, which gives constitutional guarantees, may act as a regulator of supply and demand. It can further stimulate those educational organizations that provide the most in-demand educational demands.