Can 15 year olds work in NZ?
International child labour standards set the minimum age for light work at 13 years and general employment at 15. The minimum age for hazardous work is 18, although it can be lowered to 16 under strict conditions.
Can you employ a 14 year old in NZ?
Employees under 14 An under 14-year-old cannot work as a babysitter, au pair or nanny without adult supervision because it’s an offence to leave any child under 14 unsupervised.
What is the minimum wage for a 14 year old in NZ?
There is no minimum wage for employees under 16 but all the other minimum standards and employment rights and obligations apply.
What is the minimum wage in NZ for a 16 year old?
There is no minimum wage for employees who under 16 years of age. If you employ under-16s, you must not let their work get in the way of attending school.
What is the hourly rate for a 17 year old?
Age 16-17 – £4.81 an hour. Age 18-20 – £6.83 an hour. Age 21-22 – £9.18 an hour. Age 23+ – £9.50 an hour (National Living Wage).
Can 14 year old work at McDonalds?
No you cannot. Can you work here age 14? You have to be age 16, and have finished high school.
Can a business employ a child during school hours in NZ?
It is unlawful for businesses to employ school-aged students during school hours under Section 30 of the Education Act, unless they have a certificate of exemption. Failure to do so can lead to fines up to $1,000 for both the parents and the employers. Education Act 1989 – New Zealand Legislation.
What are the barriers to youth employment in New Zealand?
Barriers to youth employment » Employment New Zealand Barriers to youth employment Youth do not have the ease of entry into the workforce or the work stability that their parents experienced. There is also greater demand by employers for soft skills as well as qualifications.
What are the stages of the employment journey for young people?
There’s an opportunity for employers and young employees/job seekers to make changes at each of the stages of the employment journey: getting prepared for work, getting into work, staying in work, and progressing at work. Moving from education to employment is an important life stage for young people.
What is New Zealand’s employment Alert Level 2?
The rest of New Zealand is at Alert Level 2. Mediations are being held by phone and video conference in the Auckland region. Youth do not have the ease of entry into the workforce or the work stability that their parents experienced. There is also greater demand by employers for soft skills as well as qualifications.