Can shell scripting be used in database administration?

Can shell scripting be used in database administration?

The Eight Most Important DBA Shell Scripts for Monitoring the Database. The eight shell scripts provided below cover 90 percent of a DBA’s daily monitoring activities. You will need to modify the UNIX environment variables as appropriate.

What is shell Scripting in Oracle?

A shell script is simply a text file containing a sequence of commands. When you run the file—or script—it executes the commands contained in the file. The term shell simply refers to the particular command-line user interface you use to communicate with the Linux kernel.

What is the role of Oracle Apps DBA?

The job duties of an Oracle Apps DBA include managing the application server software and managing the application layer, while the duties of a regular Oracle DBA include managing the database layer. See here for more on how to become an Oracle Apps DBA as opposed to Oracle DBA job duties.

How do I register a shell script as a concurrent program?

Steps To Register Unix Shell Script As A Concurrent Program

  1. Copy the .prog script in ASCII mode to the bin directory of your application top directory.
  2. Check the file permissions.
  3. Make a symbolic link from your script to $FND_TOP/bin/fndcpesr For example, if the script is called XXSHELL.prog , then use this:

What should a junior DBA know?

A junior DBA should understand how to create and modify tables and indexes and know the difference between deleting records, truncating a table, or dropping it!

How does Unix shell script connect to Oracle database?

Do the following steps to start SQL*Plus and connect to the default database:

  1. Open a UNIX terminal.
  2. At the command-line prompt, enter the SQL*Plus command in the form: $> sqlplus.
  3. When prompted, enter your Oracle9i username and password.
  4. SQL*Plus starts and connects to the default database.

What is the minimum space required to install Oracle Unix?

Before you install, you must check to see that you have the correct hardware and software necessary for your UNIX machines that use Oracle Database Lite….1.7. 1 Hardware Requirements For UNIX Systems.

Item Minimum Requirement
Tru64 CPU Alpha processor (64-bit)
Memory 512 MB
Disk space for Sun SPARC 1 GB

How do I register a host concurrent program in Oracle Apps?

Configuring a concurrent program to call the HOST executable

  1. Log in to Oracle and select the Application Developer responsibility.
  2. Navigate to Concurrent | Program and the Concurrent Programs window will open as shown in the following screenshot.
  3. Enter data as shown in the following table:

What is host execution method in Oracle Apps?

The host is one of the execution methods available in Oracle Apps while defining concurrent program executable. It allows the concurrent program to execute operating system commands. Here, the host (Operating System) could be Windows, Unix, or any supported operating system.