Can you deer hunt with a 375 H&H?

Can you deer hunt with a 375 H&H?

I am a huge fan of the 375 H&H. I hunted whitetails , mule deer and black bears with a 375 H&H for many years.

Is 375 H&H a long action?

Winchester, Remington, Ruger and Weatherby all manufacture . 375 H&H rifles. It requires a long action rather than a standard action. Winchester and Remington had to manufacture their Model 70 and Model 700 in special long action rifles for the .

Can you shoot .338 Lapua in a .338 win mag?

338 Win Mag will both fit in a standard/long action rifle, the . 338 Lapua Magnum requires a much longer rifle action. Finally, the . 300 Win Mag utilizes .

What can you hunt with a 375 H&H?

375 H&H to hunt elk and moose, as well as the Alaskan brown, Kodiak and polar bears. Many of the guides in Alaska carry a . 375 H&H to back up their clients, if necessary. The recoil of a 9-pound .

What is the difference between a 338 and a 375 caliber?

The .375 hits with tremendous authority, but has a rainbow trejectory. The .338 Lapua shoots a smaller bullet, but rules in the long range field. The .338 with a 250gr bullet is capable of taking down an Elk, Deer, Moose, or Bear out to 1000 to 1200 yards with good results.

Which is better 338 Lapua or 375 H&H?

375 H&H or 338 Lapua wich is better for You’re almost to the point of talking apples and oranges here. The.375 hits with tremendous authority, but has a rainbow trejectory. The.338 Lapua shoots a smaller bullet, but rules in the long range field.

Is the 375 a good rifle to buy?

I have owned a couple of .338’s and .375’s. In a similar weight rifle the .375 can be a pleasure to shoot where the .338 just kicks the snot out of you. I shoot my .375 with 300gr softpoints for just about everything. I almost didn’t buy my 375, because I thought it was too light (savage model 116 AK Guide).

Should I get a 375 H&H or 375 RUM?

both rounds hit hard, esspecially for the type of hunting your going to be doing (shots will be less than 200 yards), a 375 h&h is the prefect match. But if you don’t like its “rainbow” trajectory, get a 375 RUM or 378 wby. that way you can have that 375 bullet with very good trajectory, however your shoulder will hate you for it.