Is Voxer available for Android?

Is Voxer available for Android?

Deliver better customer service with real-time voice messaging. You can hear messages as people speak, or listen later at your convenience. Use instant voice communication alongside text, photos, video, gifs, and share your location. Works on any network on iPhone, Android, and the web.

Can my phone be used as a walkie talkie?

X-TALK, the free walkie-talkie app developed by CROSSCALL Available on all Android smartphones, the app allows CROSSCALL users to create a discussion group and communicate instantly with its members.

Is Voxer a safe app?

That said, Voxer is an app being used by teens that has been linked to some very serious cyber bulling cases. Voxer allows a user to send a real-time voice message (like a walkie-talkie) to another Voxer user. Users can also leave Voxer messages much like a voicemail.

Does Voxer work without Internet?

Voxer works over any cellular data network (2G, 3G, 4G, EDGE, LTE) and over WiFi.

Does Voxer work with Bluetooth?

With Walkie Talkie Mode, users can receive and send voxes handsfree from a bluetooth or wired headset, even if the Voxer app closed and the phone is locked.

Does voxer work without cell service?

Can a cell phone be used as an intercom?

Since everyone in your home likely has a smartphone, it makes sense to use them as your home intercom system. This solution doesn’t require the purchase of any hardware at all. All you have to do is download a walkie-talkie app that works on both Android and iOS.

What is Voxer coaching?

Voxer coaching is similar to “traditional” coaching but we use the free app Voxer to communicate, strategize, and work together, through text and audio. No scheduling calls or having to show up on video, I’ll be there when you need me.

How to set up Voxer?

Go to your Chat List.

  • Open the Main Menu Button (in the upper left corner).
  • Tap anywhere on the Profile banner.
  • Tap “Edit” icon (located on the top right).
  • Make desired changes.
  • Select the check mark to save.
  • To edit your profile picture,click on the camera icon located inside the thumbnail.
  • Is Voxer safe to use?

    Voxer is a free application that can be downloaded onto any iOS (iPhone, iPad or iPod), or Android device. How much data does Voxer use? Voxer uses a minimal amount of data. The average audio message on Voxer is about 7 seconds and uses about 14KB of data. Text messages on Voxer average about 700 bytes of data.

    How to use Voxer on Android?

    – With Bluetooth devices, press play/talk button to record messages. Press the play/talk button again once you have to finish recording. – With Wired devices, press the up volume button to record a message. Press the up volume button again once your finish working. – Your phone must have Silent Mode disabled for Walkie Talkie Mode to work.

    What is Voxer Walkie app?

    Live and Recorded Audio. You can hear messages as people speak,or listen later at your convenience.

  • Large Group Chats. Create chats with up to 500 individuals or team contacts.
  • Unlimited Message Storage – PRO. Have access to your entire message history.
  • Walkie Talkie Mode – PRO.
  • How do I add a reCAPTCHA to Drupal?

    How do I add a reCAPTCHA to Drupal?

    Step #1. – Install the Required Modules

    1. Open the terminal application of your PC.
    2. Type: composer require drupal/recaptcha.
    3. Click Extend.
    4. Scroll down and enable Captcha, Image Captcha, and reCAPTCHA.
    5. Click Install.

    Can reCAPTCHA v3 be bypassed?

    reCAPTCHA farms and advanced bots can easily bypass both reCAPTCHA v2 and v3, because the former use humans to solve CAPTCHAs and the latter are crafty enough to seem so human the reCAPTCHA never suspects a thing.

    What data does reCAPTCHA v3 collect?

    ReCAPTCHA v3 doesn’t rely on users clicking checkboxes or pictures. Version 3 collects and analyzes the interactions a user has with a site to create a score. The final score indicates whether the activity is suspicious.

    How do you add a Captcha to webform?

    Adding CAPTCHA to a Webform

    1. Go to Administer > User Management > CAPTCHA and check: Add CAPTCHA administration links to forms.
    2. Create the Webform.
    3. Save the form.
    4. Click CAPTCHA: no challenge enabled at the bottom of the newly created form (when Viewing, not editing the form).

    How many types of reCAPTCHA are there?

    Choosing the type of reCAPTCHA There are four types of reCAPTCHA to choose from when creating a new site.

    Can bots read CAPTCHAs?

    Some bots can get past the text CAPTCHAs on their own. Researchers have demonstrated ways to write a program that beats the image recognition CAPTCHAs as well. In addition, attackers can use click farms to beat the tests: thousands of low-paid workers solving CAPTCHAs on behalf of bots.

    Can bots bypass CAPTCHA?

    How do I add a Captcha in webform Drupal 9?

    Download the Drupal Captcha module from here and enable it. To enable the module, go to Extend and in the spam control category, you will find the CAPTCHA option. Click on the checkbox and then click install. Enable both Captcha and Image Captcha.

    Why is everyone using hCaptcha?

    CAPTCHA identifies if it is a real human or a spam bot. Captchas are used to block frauds from registering or carrying out any other activities. Initially, it provided distorted letters that bots and other automated software are unable to figure out.

    Do you know hCaptcha?

    hCaptcha is designed to eliminate long-term data retention by relying on instant evaluation rather than recording and analyzing your browsing history. We also support initiatives like Privacy Pass, an emerging standard for preserving online privacy via cryptographic proofs, and other unique privacy-first features.

    What is CAPTCHA module in Drupal?

    The CAPTCHA module provides this feature to virtually any user facing web form on a Drupal site. CAPTCHA after (Show CAPTCHA protection on selected forms after specified number of unsuccessful form submit attempts has been made.)

    What is the reCAPTCHA V3 module for?

    The score is based on interactions with your site and enables you to take an appropriate action for your site. This module enables you to easily configure reCAPTCHA v3 and a fallback challenge (captcha/recaptcha v2 e.g). In case user fails reCAPTCHA v3, he can be prompted with an additional challenge to prove.

    What is reCAPTCHA?

    reCAPTCHA is built for security. Armed with state of the art technology, it always stays at the forefront of spam and abuse fighting trends. reCAPTCHA is on guard for you, so you can rest easy. reCAPTCHA depends on the CAPTCHA module. PHP 5.5 or higher.

    What version of reCAPTCHA do I need for form submission?

    The module for Drupal 7 require the dev version of the recaptcha module! With stable 7.x-2.2 recaptcha version you will get WSOD on form submission! Sponsored development of Drupal 8 version. Stable releases for this project are covered by the security advisory policy.

    Can dogs give you Ebola?

    Can dogs give you Ebola?

    Ebola virus has never been directly isolated from a dog and there is no evidence that dogs carry or shed the virus to other animals or humans. Concern that dogs can infect humans is unwarranted at this time. There have been no recorded cases of Ebola in domestic dogs in North America.

    What animal did we get Ebola from?

    Scientists do not know where Ebola virus comes from. Based on similar viruses, they believe EVD is animal-borne, with bats or nonhuman primates being the most likely source. Infected animals carrying the virus can transmit it to other animals, like apes, monkeys, duikers and humans.

    Is there Ebola in Spain?

    In 2014, Ebola virus disease in Spain occurred due to two patients with cases of the disease contracted during the Ebola virus epidemic in West Africa; they were medically evacuated….

    Ebola virus disease in Spain
    Disease Ebolavirus
    Index case 6 October 2014
    Confirmed cases 1

    When did Ebola spread to Spain?

    On 6 October 2014, a case of Ebola virus disease (EVD) acquired outside Africa was detected in Madrid in a healthcare worker who had attended to a repatriated Spanish missionary and used proper personal protective equipment.

    How did Ebola go from animals to humans?

    Ebola virus disease is initially introduced into human populations through contact with infected wild animals to humans and is most likely associated with hunting, collection of sick or dead wild animals and handling or consumption of uncooked bush meat.

    Are animals immune to Ebola?

    Relatively little research has been carried out into the existence of Ebola in many other animals. It is thought that domestic cats are probably immune to it since the virus has not yet been found in any wild felines in Africa.

    What animal did Zika come from?

    Zika in animals Zika was first discovered in a monkey with a mild fever in the Zika Forest of Uganda in the 1940s.

    Can animals spread Ebola?

    Additionally, Ebola virus is not known to be transmitted through food. However, in certain parts of the world, Ebola virus may spread through the handling and consumption of wild animal meat or hunted wild animals infected with Ebola.

    When did Ebola reach United Kingdom?

    On 5 November 1976, Geoffrey Platt, a laboratory technician at the former Microbiological Research Establishment in Porton Down, Wiltshire, contracted Ebola in an accidental needlestick injury from a contaminated needle while handling samples from Africa.

    What are epidemiological determinants of Ebola?

    Although observed modes of transmission mainly include direct contact and contaminated staff, high case fatality ratio and frequent contacts among individuals in developed countries are among determinants which may lead to the development of the EVD outbreak.

    What is the formula of Aluminium nitride by Criss Cross method?

    What is the formula of Aluminium nitride by Criss Cross method?

    The formula for aluminum nitride is AlN. In this case, two lithium ions are required to balance out the charge of one oxide ion. The formula of lithium oxide is Li2O. An alternative way to write a correct formula for an ionic compound is to use the crisscross method.

    Can you machine aluminum nitride?

    Although thin Aluminum Nitride components are fairly straightforward to machine using laser cutting techniques, machining thicker components from aluminum nitride can be extremely challenging for machining companies that do not specialize in this type of fabrication.

    What happens when Aluminium nitride is hydrolyzed?

    AlN powders hydrolyze in moist air at room temperature, resulting in degradation of the powders. The initial hydrolysis product is amorphous AlOOH, which is further converted to a mixture of polymorphs of Al(OH)3 (bayerite, nordstrandite, and gibbsite), forming agglomerates around the unreacted AlN core.

    What is the thermal conductivity of aluminum nitride?

    321 W/(m·K)
    Aluminium nitride (AlN) is a solid nitride of aluminium. It has a high thermal conductivity of up to 321 W/(m·K) and is an electrical insulator.

    What is the formula of aluminum nitride?

    AlNAluminium nitride / Formula

    What will be produced when aluminum and nitrogen react?

    Answer: Aluminium react with nitrogen to produce aluminium nitride(Aln). This reaction takes place at a temperature of 800-1200°C. Aluminium has a higher affinity for oxygen than nitrogen, and so in the presence of oxygen and nitrogen will form Al 2O 3 in preference to AlN.

    Is aluminum nitride conductive?

    Related Materials Aluminum Nitride is one of the few materials that offers electrical insulation and high thermal conductivity. This makes AlN extremely useful in high power electronic applications in heat sink and heat spreader applications.

    What is the charge of aluminum nitride?

    3.1Computed Properties

    Property Name Property Value Reference
    Formal Charge 0 Computed by PubChem
    Complexity 10 Computed by Cactvs (PubChem release 2021.05.07)
    Isotope Atom Count 0 Computed by PubChem
    Defined Atom Stereocenter Count 0 Computed by PubChem

    What does Aluminium nitride do?

    Ammonium nitrate is used commonly in fertilizers; in pyrotechniques, herbicides, and insecticides; and in the manufacture of nitrous oxide. It is used as an absorbent for nitrogen oxides, an ingredient of freezing mixtures, an oxidizer in rocket propellants, and a nutrient for yeast and antibiotics.

    What happens to aluminum nitride at high temperatures?

    * Note – Aluminum Nitride is susceptible to surface oxidization. When this happens, a layer of Aluminum Oxide forms. This does help to protect the material, however, it impacts the thermal conductivity (Alumina is ~30 W/m.K). In oxidizing atmospheres, this happens around 700°C.

    What is the thermal conductivity of aluminium nitride?

    The thermal conductivity of AlN can be tailored to be in the range of 100–260 Wm −1 ·K −1) by varying the ratio of AlN and the impurities, especially oxygen. The presence of oxygen during substrate formation, even in quantities as small as 0.1%, can cause a considerable reduction in the thermal conductivity.

    What is the thermal expansion coefficient of ALN?

    The thermal expansion coefficients of AlN measured have mean values of Δ a / a =4.2×10 −6 K −1 and Δ c / c =5.3×10 −6 K −1. The equilibrium nitrogen vapor pressure on AlN is relatively low compared to that on GaN, which makes AlN easier to synthesize.

    What are the applications of aluminium nitride?

    Most current applications are in the electronics area where heat removal is important. This material is of interest as a non-toxic alternative to beryllia. Metallization methods are available to allow AlN to be used in place of alumina and BeO for many electronic applications. *All properties are room temperature values except as noted.

    What is carrying capacity of pond?

    What is carrying capacity of pond?

    The carrying capacity of an earthen pond can be estimated in a way similar to a tank system if the water exchange rate is approximately 30 minutes or less. If turnover rate is longer than 30 minutes, the capacity is a function of the ratio of surface area to water volume, inflow rate and oxygen demand of the sediments.

    How does carrying capacity relate to aquaculture?

    Carrying capacity can be defined as the maximum biomass maintained by an ecosystem in a given period (Bacher et al., 1997). It has become a fundamental concept in aquaculture management and is considered the basis and a tool for sustainable development (Stigebrandt, 2011; Weitzman and Filgueira, 2020).

    What is carrying capacity of an ecosystem?

    Carrying capacity can be defined as a species’ average population size in a particular habitat. The species population size is limited by environmental factors like adequate food, shelter, water, and mates. If these needs are not met, the population will decrease until the resource rebounds.

    How is carrying capacity calculated?

    Carrying capacity, or the maximum number of individuals that an environment can sustain over time without destroying or degrading the environment, is determined by a few key factors: food availability, water, and space.

    How do you calculate the carrying capacity of a fish pond?

    Stocking Capacity Different experts have different guidelines for stocking ponds. One guideline holds that you need 300 square feet of surface area per koi, and half of that per goldfish. A different guideline holds that you need 30 gallons per fish for goldfish, and at least 150 gallons per koi.

    How do you calculate the carrying capacity of a pond?

    Use our handy calculator to work out your pond capacity.

    1. The easiest way to do this is to measure the length, the width and the depth of your pond in feet.
    2. Once you have all three dimensions, you need to multiply these all together and then multiply this calculation by 6.25.

    What is carrying capacity in fish farming?

    Ecological carrying capacity is defined as the magnitude of aquaculture production that can be supported without leading to significant changes to ecological processes, services, species, populations or communities in the environment.

    What are the 4 types of carrying capacity?

    Within this broad definition, four categories are recognized: physical, ecological, economic, and social carrying capacities (Brotherton, 1973).

    What are some examples of carrying capacity?

    4 Examples of Carrying Capacity: When a Population Hits Its Limit

    • Example 1: The Carrying Capacity of North American Deer.
    • Example 2: The Carrying Capacity of Grazing Cattle.
    • Example 3: The Carrying Capacity of Barnacles and Oysters.
    • Example 4: The Carrying Capacity in Ireland during the Potato Famine.

    What is maximum carrying capacity?

    Carrying capacity is the maximum number of a species an environment can support indefinitely. Every species has a carrying capacity, even humans.

    What is the carrying capacity of the world?

    Depending on the metrics used, estimates of the earth’s carrying capacity can range from as small as a half a billion people to as large as 14 billion people.

    How many fish can you have in a 1000 Litre pond?

    How Many Fish? Stocking levels will vary depending on filtration and husbandry however a general rule for stocking is 25 cm of fish per square metre of surface area or 55cms per 1000 litres volume.

    What is carrying capacity in aquaculture?

    Applying it to aquaculture, carrying capacity can be broke down into four types. Firstly, physical carrying capacity. This is simply the total area of farms that can be accommodated in a particular area or space.

    What is the difference between carrying capacity and ecological carrying capacity?

    Production carrying capacity is the stocking density at which harvests are maximized. Ecological carrying capacity is the stocking or farm density above which would cause unacceptable ecological impacts and finally, social carrying capacity is the level of development above which would cause unacceptable social impacts.

    How do I determine the holding capacity of my Aquarium?

    There are several methods aquariists use to determine the safe holding capacity of their aquarium. One inch of fish per gallon of water is a good rule of thumb for most small community fish (like most Tetras, Bettas, Rainbowfish, and Platies).

    How big of a tank does a fish need?

    For example, freshwater Angel Fish, a 6″ fish, should probably have about 6 gallons each, while Oscars, a 12″ messy fish should have about 30 gallons each. Another factor to consider when determining whether a fish can safely be housed in your aquarium is the adult size of the fish when compared to the dimensions of the tank.

    What is heptane?

    What is heptane?

    Heptane is a straight-chain alkane with seven carbon atoms. It has been found in Jeffrey pine (Pinus jeffreyi). It has a role as a non-polar solvent and a plant metabolite.

    What is the flash point of NHN heptane?

    N-HEPTANE is a clear colorless liquids with a petroleum-like odor. Flash point 25°F. Less dense than water and insoluble in water. Vapors heavier than air. Heptane is a straight-chain alkane with seven carbon atoms.

    What are the substances that are incompatible with the heptane system?

    HEPTANE is incompatible with the following: Strong oxidizers (NIOSH, 2016). No information available. What is this information? The Response Recommendation fields include isolation and evacuation distances, as well as recommendations for firefighting, non-fire response, protective clothing, and first aid.

    What is the concentration of n-heptane in the atmosphere?

    According to the National Ambient Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) Database, the median urban atmospheric concentration of n-heptane in 764 samples was 0.049 ppbV, and the median suburban atmospheric concentration of n-heptane in 137 samples was 0.033 ppbV (17).

    What are the signs and symptoms of heptane toxicity?

    Acute exposure symptoms include distorted perception and mild hallucinations. Humans exposed to 0.1% (1000 ppm) heptane exhibited dizziness in 6 min; higher concentrations caused marked vertigo and incoordination.

    What is the difference between hexane and heptane?

    No significant difference was noticed between the rates of reaction of the enzyme in the presence of hexane and heptane, and they both proved to be a good choice, since the substrate is highly soluble in these solvents, and the product fairly insoluble.

    What are the side effects of heptane inhalation?

    Acute exposure to heptane vapors can cause dizziness, stupor, incoordination, loss of appetite, nausea, dermatitis, chemical pneumonitis, or unconsciousness, possible peripheral neuropathy.

    How many isomers does C7H16 heptane have?

    Main article: C7H16 Heptane has nine isomers, or eleven if enantiomers are counted: Heptane (n -heptane), H 3 C–CH 2 –CH 2 –CH 2 –CH 2 –CH 2 –CH 3, 2-Methylhexane (isoheptane), H 3 C–CH (CH 3)–CH 2 –CH 2 –CH 2 –CH 3,

    What happened in History June 10th?

    What happened in History June 10th?

    This Day in History: June 10 Being found guilty of “certaine Detestable Arts called Witchcraft and Sorceries,” Bridget Bishop on this day in 1692 became the first person to be hanged during the Salem witch trials in the Massachusetts Bay Colony.

    What was the Times?

    The Times is a British daily national newspaper based in London….The Times.

    Front page, 19 October 2015
    Type Daily newspaper
    Founded 1 January 1785 (as The Daily Universal Register)
    Political alignment Conservative Party New Labour (2001–2010)
    Headquarters The News Building, London 1 London Bridge Place, SE1 9GF

    What was going on in June 1968?

    Kennedy was shot and fatally wounded while walking through a corridor at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles. After the 12:20 a.m. shooting, police arrested Sirhan Sirhan, a citizen of Jordan who had been a U.S. resident for 12 years.

    What National day is June 10th?

    National Iced Tea Day on June 10th each year celebrates one of summer’s favorite drinks.

    Is June 10 a special day?

    2022 Daily Holidays that fall on June 10, include: Alcoholics Anonymous (Founders Day) Ball Point Pen Day. Herbs & Spices Day.

    Are The Times and The Sunday Times the same? hosts the digital edition of The Times, Britain’s oldest national daily newspaper, and its sister title The Sunday Times. The Times was founded in 1785 by the editor and publisher John Walter I, “to record the principal occurrences of the times” for the service of the public.

    Who owns The Times and The Sunday Times?

    It is published by Times Newspapers Ltd, a subsidiary of News UK, which is owned by News Corp. Times Newspapers also publishes The Times. The two papers were founded independently and have been under common ownership since 1966. They were bought by News International in 1981.

    What is the meaning of June 10th?

    Juneteenth is a holiday commemorating the end of slavery in the United States. It is also called Emancipation Day or Juneteenth Independence Day. The name “Juneteenth” references the date of the holiday, combining the words “June” and “nineteenth.”

    What National day is June 10th 2021?

    National Iced Tea Day on June 10th each year celebrates one of summer’s favorite drinks. Whether you prefer sweetened or unsweetened, with or without lemon, many love and enjoy iced tea by the glass full all summer long. Creating your custom iced tea is as easy as adding a hint of flavor.

    What is June 10th National?

    Also called Juneteenth National Independence Day Jubilee Day Emancipation Day (TX) Freedom Day Black Independence Day
    Observed by United States
    Type Federal
    Significance Emancipation of slaves in states in rebellion against the Union

    How do you work out velocity time graphs?

    How do you work out velocity time graphs?

    Using the Slope Equation

    1. Pick two points on the line and determine their coordinates.
    2. Determine the difference in y-coordinates for these two points (rise).
    3. Determine the difference in x-coordinates for these two points (run).
    4. Divide the difference in y-coordinates by the difference in x-coordinates (rise/run or slope).

    What is velocity time graph 11?

    The Velocity Time Graph: Velocity-time graph is a plot between Velocity and Time. It shows the Motion of the object that moves in a Straight Line. Magnitude of Velocity at a given instant is equal to its Instantaneous Speed.

    What does the gradient of a velocity time graph show?

    The gradient of speed-time and velocity-time graphs represent acceleration. The area under a speed-time graph represents the distance travelled. Likewise, the area under a velocity-time graph represents the displacement of the moving object.

    What is Terminal Velocity GCSE?

    Objects falling through a fluid eventually reach terminal velocity . At terminal velocity, the object moves at a steady speed in a constant direction because the resultant force acting on it is zero.

    What is velocity time graph 9?

    A velocity-time graph shows the change in the velocity of an object in a straight line with respect to time. Time is the quantity taken along the x-axis, and velocity is taken along the y-axis. The height of the velocity-time graph does not change with time for an object moving at a uniform velocity.

    What are the 5 suvat equations?

    However, each SUVAT equation does not contain all variables so for answering some questions it might be necessary to use one or more of them. The equations are as follows: v=u+at,s=(u+v2)t,v2=u2+2as,s=ut+12at2,s=vt−12at2.

    Is velocity the same as speed?

    Speed is the time rate at which an object is moving along a path, while velocity is the rate and direction of an object’s movement. Put another way, speed is a scalar value, while velocity is a vector.

    What is velocity-time graph 9?

    What is distance time graph for Class 9?

    A distance-time graph shows how far an object has travelled in a given time. It is a simple line graph that denotes distance versus time findings on the graph. Distance is plotted on the Y-axis. Time is plotted on the X-axis.

    Which one is correct for the slope of velocity time graph?

    A motion such as the one above further illustrates the important principle: the slope of the line on a velocity-time graph is equal to the acceleration of the object.

    Is Kia Optima 2013 a good car?

    Is Kia Optima 2013 a good car?

    The used 2013 Kia Optima boasts a class-leading safety score and an upscale interior with roomy seats and straightforward technology. Still, it ranks in the middle third of a very competitive class. Its reliability scores are good, but not great.

    What problems do 2013 Kia Optima have?

    The model year with the most complaints overall Owners registered 897 complaints in 128 problem categories against the 2013 Kia Optima. Over one-third of the problems were engine-related and many of these involved a blown engine. Many owners reported engine knocking and loss of power while they were driving.

    Does the 2013 Kia Optima have leather seats?

    The Optima has more upscale seating options than most cars in this class. Buyers can add leather seats, cooled and heated front seats and heated rear seat bottoms, and all trims come standard with at least a six-way power adjustable driver’s seat.

    How many miles is a 2013 Kia Optima good for?

    200,000 miles
    The Kia Optima has an average lifespan of 200,000 miles, which translates into roughly 13 years of service when taking into account the average miles driven per year of 15,000. This makes the Kia Optima an affordable choice in the used car market which is set to last you for years to come.

    Are Kia’s good after 100 000 miles?

    Kias are considered high mileage once the odometer hits around 100,000 miles. What is this? According to Kia owners, even though you may be able to get around 200,000 miles out of a Kia, the repair costs needed to coax this much life out of the vehicles can be prohibitive.

    Is a Kia Optima reliable?

    The 2020 Kia Optima has a predicted reliability score of 83 out of 100. A J.D. Power predicted reliability score of 91-100 is considered the Best, 81-90 is Great, 70-80 is Average, and 0-69 is Fair and considered below average.

    What’s wrong with the Kia Optima?

    The 2011-2014 Kia Optima is reported to have a severe engine manufacturing issue, which may cause its bearings to wear prematurely. This may trigger uncontrollable engine seizing, which may increase the risk of crashes or collisions. A recall was issued in 2017 to help owners of the affected Optima units.

    Do Kia Optimas have a lot of problems?

    Kia Optima Reliability Problems. Optima owners have made 605 complaints over 21 model years. Using our PainRank™ system we’ve ranked it second to last in overall reliaibility , with significant engine and steering concerns.

    How do I know if my Kia Optima is EX or LX?

    Kia Optima LX vs. The 2020 Kia Optima LX is equipped with a 2.4L I4 engine while the EX trim is fitted with a 1.6L Turbocharged I4 engine. The EX is also appointed with heated front seats and a wireless phone charging system while the LX does not have those interior amenities available.

    What features does a 2013 Kia Optima have?


    • Engine & Performance.
    • Front Wheel Drive.
    • 4 Cylinder Engine.
    • Engine Type: Gas I4.
    • Displacement: 2.4L/144.
    • Horsepower (Net @ RPM): 200 @ 6300.
    • Torque (Net @ RPM): 186 @ 4250.
    • Transmission: Automatic w/manual shift.

    What problems do Kia Optima have?

    Top Kia Optima Problems

    • Door Locks Malfunction Not Allowing Driver or Passanger to Open Their Doors.
    • Faulty Throttle Position Switch.
    • Software Update Available to Correct Transmission Issues.
    • Kia Issues New Alternator to Replace Weak One.
    • Failure of AC Compressor Clutch.
    • No Sound from Speakers.

    Are Kia Optimas expensive to fix?

    The Kia Optima Reliability Rating is 4.0 out of 5.0, which ranks it 8th out of 24 for midsize cars. The average annual repair cost is $471 which means it has lower than average ownership costs. The severity of repairs is average and the frequency of those issues is low, so major repairs are uncommon for the Optima.

    Why are my Google Photos missing?

    Why are my Google Photos missing?

    Some photos can seem to disappear because you’re on a different account. Sign in to your Google Account. At the top, check that you’re signed in to the account that you backed up photos to.

    Where have my photos gone on Google Photos?

    If you can’t find a photo in Google Photos, it might be in your device folders. You can only find your device folders on your phone. Albums. Under ‘Photos on device’, check your device folders.

    How do I restore my Google Photos?

    Restore photos & videos

    1. On your Android phone or tablet, open the Google Photos app .
    2. At the bottom, tap Library Trash .
    3. Touch and hold the photo or video you want to restore.
    4. At the bottom, tap Restore. The photo or video will be back: In your phone’s gallery app. In your Google Photos library. In any albums it was in.

    Did Google delete my photos?

    Google Photos will no longer allow unlimited photo storage at high-quality from June 1, 2021. Google Photos is ending its very enticing free unlimited storage benefit and will start charging for the storage space your photos and videos take over the 15GB quota. The new change will come into effect on June 1, 2021.

    Can you recover deleted Google Photos?

    Go to or go to google photos. Open the menu bar and select “Trash.” Choose the photos you want to retrieve and click on “Restore.” Photos will be restored in the photos section.

    Can I recover permanently deleted photos from Google Photos after 2 years?

    If you accessed the Trash and manually sent the photos for permanent deletion, or if the 60 days expired, there is no way to recover them from Google Photos.

    Where do photos go when permanently deleted?

    Deleted files go to the Recycle Bin, which is a special folder on your computer where deleted files are stored until you empty the Recycle Bin. When you delete a file, Windows moves it from its original location to the Recycle Bin.

    Is it possible to recover permanently deleted photos from Google Photos?

    Step 1 – From your home screen& open Google Photos. Step 2 – Look at the top-left section of the app window and tap on the menu option. Step 3 – After tapping on the “menu&” you should see a list of options& including “trash.” Tap on trash to open the folder. Step 4 – Select all the photos that you need to restore.

    Where do permanently deleted photos go?

    When you first delete a file on a Windows computer by right-clicking the delete option or press the “Delete” key, it goes to the Recycle Bin, Trash, or something similar depending on your operating system.

    Can I recover permanently deleted photos from Google Photos?

    Open Google Photos on your Android smartphone, tap the hamburger icon from the top-left and select Trash. Select the photos you’d want to restore by long-pressing on them. Once done, hit Restore. Your photos will automatically reappear in the photo library when you go back.

    Can I get back permanently deleted photos?

    If you are sure the photos are not in Recently Deleted, see our solutions for recovering permanently deleted photos from iCloud. If you have your iPhone, go to Photos -> Albums, scroll down, tap Recently Deleted, tap Select, then select all the photos and tap Recover. Your photos are back where they used to be. Easy!