Choosing a doctoral dissertation topic

Doctors of sciences are not born, this title is usually obtained either as a result of the consistent development of a scientific career, or, if necessary, to expand professional horizons in commercial activities. In any case, writing a comprehensive scientific work and passing through a mass of bureaucratic “delays” will be required. Research work begins with the choice of the topic of a doctoral dissertation, which, depending on the situation, can take shape on its own (for example, as a continuation or deepening of the subject of a candidate) or be specially selected. In the second case, it is important to understand that the doctoral candidate or the applicant will have to deal with the selected topics for at least three years.

Choosing the topic of a doctoral dissertation: criteria and recommendations

The expression that the name of the boat accurately reflects the nature of its progress is fully applicable to the topic of scientific research at any level. Not only does the scientist have to work with the topic, the appropriateness of its formulation will need to be repeatedly confirmed during certification (we are talking about doctoral studies), pre-defense and the defense itself. Therefore, it is important that the problem considered in the work can be concisely and correctly expressed in the title.

Now more general tips:

  • choosing the topic of a doctoral dissertation, one should use the experience of an educational or scientific institution in which studies are conducted: you need to familiarize yourself with the list of publications, talk with employees, and monitor industry-specific scientific periodicals;
  • the object of research and the potential methodological base should be interesting and familiar to the dissertation, but even better if the topic is at the junction of hobbies, both the author of the future work and its leader or consultant;
  • a quick assessment should show that for the comprehensive disclosure of the topic there is all the necessary equipment and a sufficient margin of time, there are financial and administrative opportunities.

After several options are outlined, their scientific and practical significance should be carefully considered. It is necessary that work as a whole solve a major national economic problem, for example, suggest ways to optimize and reduce costs in individual sectors of the economy. The importance of adhering to such a recommendation is that great attention will be paid to the questions of the expediency of the study and the practical benefits of the results achieved in the defense.