How To Come Up With Great Dissertation Topics Related To Art History

Are you in the process of creating a dissertation on art history, but have no clue what approach to take in order to increase your chances of obtaining a higher grade? Then you have to take the time to read the rest of this article for some suggestion on how to increase your chances of getting that top grade and how to select a title. With the correct title your project will go a lot smoother. With that thought in mind, here are the top things that you have to consider if you are interested selecting a topic for an art history dissertation project.

How to select a great topic

In order to select the perfect topic for you take a few minutes to carefully consider your interests. Even if you live art history as a whole, there will be some branches of it that you are going to like a lot more than other parts. Therefore, it is a good idea to identify these and select a project based on this branch. This will significantly tilt the odds of success in your favor.

Titles for your consideration

If you are stuck with selecting a title, then here are some art history example projects that you can get on with right away:

  • What are the 3 most important pieces of art in the history of the planet?
  • Name 3 of the most influential painters of all time?
  • Name your favorite painting throughout history
  • How has art changed over the last 100 years?
  • What are the biggest differences between the art produced now and 200 years ago?
  • Name the most popular artist of the 18th century
  • How has the art culture changed over the last 150 years?
  • How can we as a society learn about the history of art in order to improve current art?
  • What type of art did Van Goth create that was so popular?
  • What was the most famous artist of the 18th century?
  • What as the most famous artist of the 20th century?
  • Name the most popular sculpture of the 20th century?
  • How has public art changed over the last 100 years?
  • How has public art changed over the last 200 years?