Critical Thinking among College Students – Part 1

Encouraging college students’ critical thinking skills


The paper describes the purpose of critical thinking skills in college students. It begins by describing what critical thinking means. The paper goes further to describe reasons why college students should think critically when handling their academic issues. Further, the benefits of thinking critically by college students on issues outside the academic life have been described. The various intellectual errors that inhibit critical thinking among the college are also described in the paper. The paper also describes how the intellectual errors disadvantage students at the college especially when deciding their educational life and the college life. The longtime effects of critical thinking in college students have also been included in the paper.

A lot of how a college student would face issues in the life outside schooling due to the critical thinking inhibitors is also detailed. Concerning the way forward in the bid of making college life good for students, data containing the scholar’s research results on the students’ view of critical thinking has been presented in the paper. The reasons why people, in general, are sometimes deficient n critical thinking has also been described and more specifically among the students at the various colleges of the world. The issues that triggered the research have been discussed. Methods that were used in collecting the critical thinking information from students and the other various educational specialists have also been included in the paper. Following the results that have been established, the information contained in this research essay concludes by giving the recommended solutions that can be used by the college students at the colleges in making up the faults that they do in their lives and renders the college students poor critical thinkers based on the views of that have been collected from the students and the educational professionals in the colleges.


The ability of a person to live a successful life is highly dependent on his or her ability to make a good decision of life. The decisions that one makes while in the college determines what he or she would become in future. In the college as well, the decisions of learning strategy that a student makes has the biggest hand in his or her final grade. This means that one makes a wrong and unworthy decision; he or she becomes disadvantaged in school and eventually fails to attain a good grade in school. A right decision in education is, therefore, one that enables one to establish a good grade at the end of college. Scholars have established that students make in school are right. Everyone is prone to making a mistake, and consequently, not all the student’s academic issues get solved successfully. This, therefore, means that what a student does after realizing the mistake he or she has conducted becomes the most important (Desai, 2016). The corrective measure that a student takes to correct a mistake he or she had done in the past decides whether he or she would achieve success in the college or not. Students are encouraged to make set worthy goals by trying to their best, minimizing the mistakes that they make and consider making the decisions that would benefit them in their educational truck. Despite the fact that the decisions are made by students themselves, it should be noted that the educators have a lot in contributing to the successful decisions made by students. Educators have the responsibilities of making training the college students until they can make decisions that can be beneficial to their academic life.

A lot of skills are expected to be built into students by the educators in the bid to make them much success in education. It has been noted that some of the students who are not thinking critically have some features. These students are confirmed to be affected by some very serious intellectual errors that exist in their lives in the colleges where they pursue their courses. These intellectual errors have been confirmed to be the greatest inhibitors to critical thinking of the college students. Despite these many inhibitors, college students can still manage to get themselves up as far as their critical thinking abilities are concerned. They are therefore advised to take seriously some practices that can help them become better critical thinkers.


The purpose of this paper to describe how critical thinking skills of the college students can be improved. This paper talks about effects of critical thinking skills among the students on their college grades and even their lives after educational session. This essay further talk about the benefits of developing the critical thinking ability of the college students. The numerous intellectual errors that make students deficient in their critical thinking skills are also discussed in details in this paper. The signs that a critically thinking student displays in their characters are also shown to help distinguish critically thinking students from the others who are deficient in the skills. This paper also describes the intellectual skills that are common among the college students.

The paper further describes how these intellectual errors hinder the critical thinking ability development of a student. The paper discusses a research result to explain how these intellectual errors can be avoided by students and consequently eliminate the critical thinking inhibitors. Critical thinking basic elements have also been explained in the paper. Moreover, the paper has expanded on how students at the college can overcome the critical thinking challenges. The activities that a student should engage in to become better critical thinker have also been explained. Some of the basic roles of educators in establishing college students’ critical thinking abilities have also been explained in the paper.

Literature Review

Critical thinking term has been defined differently depending on the context that is being discussed. The meaning of the term also varies from one person to another based on their trusted ideologies. I the college context, critical thinking can be defined as an intellectual process whereby students skillfully conceptualize synthesize and apply the information ideas that they have collected from their various sources. It is, however, important to note that critical thinking in the school context is more or less defined the same way as in the other fields. This is because the skills that it entails in all the contexts are similar and for serving the same purposes. The critical thinking skills that are learned by students at the college are meant to serve him or her throughout his or her lifetime.