Critical Thinking among College Students – Part 3

The importance of critical thinking

Critical thinking equips a student with the multitasking and managing his or her academic time in the right way. Critical thinking skills are essential for the education of the college students. College students have a lot of responsibilities in academics that they need attend to in their learning process. The many academic duties need them to, therefore, think critically for them to manage all of them in the right way and timely. Below are some of the outstanding roles that critical thinking plays in the college students educational issues. A critically thinking student can, therefore, balance his or her time correctly and attend to all the units of study so that all duties expected of him being attended to in time.

Critical thinking improves the students’ information interpretation skills (Flood, 2015). A college student should be able to interpret information correctly. Critical thinking help students to develop the skills that would help him or she makes the correct interpretation of information that they meet in their process of education. Some of the ideas are expressed in tricky ways that require a student to be very careful when handling it. This means that a student who does not think critically may not be able to make the get the exact meanings of the ideas that are in their education sources. The correct interpretation of information also helps in improving the quality of research that the students conduct in their practice sessions. When handling an examination in the college, students’ performance depends on how much he or she can interpret the question. Should one fail to get the right interpretation of the question, the student would be irrelevant in the answers to the question.

Critical thinking also trains students in the college to analyze their data and information in a logical order. A critically thinking student analyzes the information from the sources before taking the best one among them. Analysis of the observed and read or taught information is key in the university education for it counts whether the particular student would attain academic success or not. A student also would be able to analyze his or her abilities and activities hence understanding themselves. A critically thinking student, therefore, gets the better control over his or her educational practices and manages it in a way that it would result in a no doubt success.

Critical thinking helps in enhancing self-discipline in students. Critical thinking also instills self-disciplinary concept in students (Dwyer, 2014). A self-disciplined student carries his duties mindfully without relying on other people or rules that are to be set to offer a guideline for the operations. A college education requires a peaceful mind with little disturbances ad self-disciplinary gives on an opportunity to be free from problems with the authority of the school as well as the fellow students. A critically thinking is disciplined in the context that he or she speaks well with the others and hence avoids being in problems with others due to improper communication with the other students.

Through critical thinking, college student learns skills of solving various problems in their education and the society. After college, a student should be able to face any issue that is related to what he or she has studied in school and solve it accordingly. Critically thinking students can use their ideas in the making up for the issues that people face in the society without facing any difficulty. Such students get the ability to find out the possible courses of the issue, study the trend of the issue and to brainstorm to come up with an effective solution to the issue. College education is aimed at molding students to become good thinkers when it comes to solving the issues in the societies. Critical thinking, therefore, gives the student a shorter way of becoming what the college systems of education requires them to be. Critical thinking is also suitable for building the all-around characteristics among the students in colleges (Fong, 2017). At the college, students need to be smart in all the fields and not just sticking in the particular course or field of study. Critically thinking students become sharp and can solve issues that are not much related to their areas of specialization.

Critical thinking ensures mindful decision making in students. Critical thinking trains students to be people who think about issues deeply before taking any action on them. This means that critically thinking students mind all the sides of their actions before they make up their minds on what to do about the issue. This is very necessary for college education since they do not need to be looked into vaguely.  A right decision also depends on how patiently and intensively does someone looks into an issue. It is very necessary for every student to look at academic issues in all the necessary changes so that they do not realize after taking action on the issue. Although not all decisions are not perfectly made, mindful thinking of an issue before taking action on it reduces the chances of making a wrong path of handling an issue among the college students.

Ensures improved communication skills among the students in colleges. Interpersonal relationships are very important in an environment where many people from different cultures interact. In the college, we found students who have different backgrounds of origins. Critically thinking students are capable of understanding the differences between him and the others who have different beliefs (Huber, 2016). Understanding someone is the first step of action that dictates whether your communication can be productive or not. Relating to people also states whether you can learn to form them, inspire them or not. Critically thinking students can know the better parts of their fellows at school and make an attempt at learning it and becoming perfect as well. They also understand what is not right for others and tries to solve their issues by correcting them where necessary.

Critical thinking enables meaningful living of the students. Meaningful living in the compass gives the students the opportunity to succeed in their academics. Critical thinking trains the students to avoid getting engaged in things that can ruin their academic lives and train them towards being upright minded. Critically thinking students, therefore, avoid all the aspects of unhealthy living in the college by avoiding companies that are not safe for their education (Halpern, 1998). Their success is, therefore, guaranteed in the college.

Critical thinking also plays an important role in enabling students to evaluate what is right from an opinion. A right idea is necessary for use for the college education, unlike the people opinions. In the college students should only be using ideas that have been confirmed by evidence that are true and not any information or idea that is thought to be true. Critically thinking students are therefore able to distinguish facts from people’s opinion which may not be accurate.  The college examinations are never direct and are twisted. College students should have skills of interpreting the questions correctly to get the information that will best answer the question irrespective of how tricky it seems. Critical thinking instills the required interpretation skills into students enabling them to understand the tricky questions of the college exams thereby performing well without any problem.

Critical thinking enhances students’ ability to think independently. Critically thinking students are also able to think independently and can, therefore, think correctly when in an exam room. College exam rooms are confined, and each student is expected to do what he or she knows without getting the support of anybody around, whether fellow students or even the examination supervisors. In the same examination context, critical thinking enhances memory expansion. In the college, students are expected to hold what they have learned in their brains so that they can use them for the future events. Exams test wide college syllabus, making the student’s performance to greatly depend on his or her ability to require the students’ to remember what had been learned in the past. Some of the units that that students handle in college are so much reflective on the real-life situations. Performing in such units require that students can apply their life experiences in the making up for good performances.

College educational setup requires that students be open minded. Open minded students can easily learn new information and ideas and sustain the more application of life events. Being open minded also enable people to be comfortable with the new ideas and encourages them to become good thinkers and researchers. They, therefore, do not stick to any particular trusted source. Their ability and freedom to consult a variety of sources in their research make them get a wide variety of information. When one has many ideas, he or she gets the opportunity to use the best ideas as he or she can choose the idea that has the largest number of merits and with minimal disadvantaging features. Critically thinking students do a lot of research with the bid of getting any idea unlike those who do not think critically and often has fix mind in their research process.

When studying, students are aimed at making a difference by making the decisions that are convenient. Convenient decisions make a student to choose wisely the sources they use for their educational information. Critical thinking trains the students how to make a decision that would favor their education and help them balance their time correctly in a bid to improve their performances. Critical thinking, therefore, plays the most important role in advantaging the students in the colleges become successful academically and even outside the academic environment.