Does Naoto have a social link?

Does Naoto have a social link?

The protagonist can start Naoto’s Social Link on October 21st at the earliest, after helping Naoto by talking to a man in the black suit found in Central Shopping District. She can be found during the day down the end of the hallway on the first floor of Yasogami High.

Who can you date p4g?

All Characters You Can Romance in Persona 4 Golden

  • Ai.
  • Ayane.
  • Chie.
  • Marie.
  • Naoto.
  • Rise.
  • Yukiko.
  • Yumi.

Can you date Naoto Shirogane?

Naoto is also a character you can romance, pursuing a lovers’ path relationship with her.

Can you romance AI p4g?

Ai is a character you can romance and enter into either a casual romantic relationship with or a more genuine and final lovers’ relationship with – but you’ll need to know how to do so, and it’s a little more complicated than with other characters, and with more pitfalls.

How do you max out Naoto social link?

Answer his question with the first choice, then go find Naoto in school. She’ll be on the first floor towards the student council room. Once doing that, you’ll simply need to spend time with her practically every day to max her before the “final” battle.

What arcana is Naoto?

The Fortune Arcana
The Fortune Arcana is represented by Naoto Shirogane, Labrys and her shadow.

Can you date Marie?

Yes. You can date Ai, Ayane/Yumi, Marie, and one of Chie/Yukiko/Rise/Naoto without any issues. Note that for each major holiday (Christmas, New Years, Valentines) you can only choose one non-Marie girl, so you won’t be able to see all the scenes.

Can you have multiple girlfriends in P4G?

Persona 4 Golden. is there a downside for having multiple girlfriends? There is no penalties but Naoto would be really upset, so don’t. You can but on Valentine’s day you’ll get an unavoidable moral bashing and you’ll make them suffer.

Can you date Chie in Persona 4?

It’s presented as spoiler-free as possible. Chie is one of the romanceable characters in P4G, too – so if you rank your relationship up with her sufficiently, you can pursue a romantic relationship with her as your girlfriend.

What desert is the Welwitschia found in Persona 4?

– Namib
What desert is the Welwitschia found in? – Namib. Yosuke will once again ask for help in class… Alcohol has to do with the roots of the word “bridal.” Do you know how, Hanamura-kun? – Bride ale.

How do you get Naoto’s Social Link?

Keep scrolling for more While Naoto is part of your core crew, her social link doesn’t begin automatically. To obtain Rank 1, you need to wait until October 21st. From that day, you’ll be able to talk to Naoto to get a mission of sorts.

When can I start Naoto’s fortune Social Link?

Do you like this video? This article covers information about the Fortune Social Link, Naoto Shirogane, including events and skills featured in Persona 4 and Persona 4 Golden . The protagonist can start Naoto’s Social Link on October 21st at the earliest, after helping Naoto by talking to a man in the black suit found in Central Shopping District.

When can I start Naoto’s Social Link in Persona 4?

This article covers information about the Fortune Social Link, Naoto Shirogane, including events and skills featured in Persona 4 and Persona 4 Golden. The protagonist can start Naoto’s Social Link on October 21st at the earliest, after helping Naoto by talking to a man in the black suit found in Central Shopping District.

Can You Romance Naoto in Persona 4?

On top of the time limit Naoto is a potential girlfriend in P4G – so if you want, you can romance her. Doing so is a little more complicated than most other characters, requiring you hit a few specific triggers on the way. This guide covers that. The social link system in Persona 4 basically involves a hidden experience counter for each s-link.