Essay for entering the MBA

Inspectors will expect from you a clearly reasoned position, a logical connection between the parts of the work, a good syllable and the ability to add features of the author to the text. The facelessness of the essay, stereotyped, universal will lead to the fact that you consider it unworthy to be credited candidate.

Requirements for an essay for admission to MBA

The essay is characterized by the absence of a strict framework. You must follow only 2 rules.

  1. The volume of the finished work should not exceed the permissible limit of 1000 words. Remove weak phrases, leave only the most thoughtful expressions. Try to avoid long and difficult to read sentences. Reduce available.
  2. Work must have a structure. Prepare a plan and do not depart from it when writing.

Topics essay for admission to MBA

Possible options:

  • What brought you the last two years? What changes can you notice?
  • Why did you choose this school?
  • Why do you need a degree?
  • Mistakes that could teach you.
  • Persons you imitate.
  • Social activities: what can she teach?
  • Ethics of a businessman: what is unacceptable?
  • What are your goals?
  • Motivation and success: the relationship of concepts.

Features of writing an essay for admission to the MBA

Negative impact on the assessment:

  • errors;
  • sharp transition between parts;
  • unconfirmed information;
  • detailed description of illegal methods of obtaining financial benefits;
  • slang;
  • vernacular statements;
  • insults and negative statements towards companies, systems, states, famous people, teachers.

Will contribute to the successful delivery:

  • originality of the introductory part;
  • exact use of quotes;
  • knowledge of numbers, current and recent statistics;
  • ability to analyze data;
  • competent written speech;
  • absence of cliché phrases;
  • humor;
  • multiple proofreading of the text.

What to do if you have been denied once

  • Try to disengage from failure.
  • Work on a possible topic in more detail.