Finding an Instant Credit Report

Due to the increasing number of households having an Internet connection, instant credit reports obtained online have risen in popularity and are preferred when compared to the traditional methods of written requests and toll free telephone calls to major reporting agencies. An instant credit report allows a consumer to access their complete credit file within minutes or in some cases seconds with a click of their mouse. This is a vast improvement and is greatly appreciated by the consumer, especially if they are wanting to pursue a loan application and need an instant credit report to assess their chances.

There are currently two ways to obtain your instant credit report online, one is more cost efficient than the other depending on your specific needs. The first is a free annual, or even in some cases biannual, instant credit report. These types of free instant credit reports do not usually contain all three reports or a credit score. The second way is to pay a competitive fee including a three in one report from Equifax, Experian and Trans Union complete with a credit score. Paying for your instant credit report can be a little more complicated, as more choices accompany this option. You can go directly to the credit reporting websites or use a credit service company. With a credit services company, you will usually receive a free one-time instant credit report for agreeing to purchase many others throughout a set period, usually one year. However, with these companies you will not receive the free instant credit report information available at the major reporting agency sites.

Instant credit reports enable you to correct vital mistakes that may affect your financial future by submitting a request for an investigation into discrepancies online. They also allow you to update any or all information that has changed or been misreported since you last viewed the credit report. Even more importantly, an instant credit report can allow you to recognize if you have been a victim of identity theft faster than ever before.

Obtaining an online instant credit report requires that you have access to an online computer and have all your personal information ready to enter. It really is as simple as that to get your instant credit report. As with any online interaction that involves personal information it is always important to remember to check that the website is secure before entering any details and requesting your instant credit report.