How do I apply for the California LifeLine program?

How do I apply for the California LifeLine program?

To apply for California LifeLine you must call your home or cell phone company and state you qualify for the program via Program-Based OR Income-Based. Once you inform the home or cell phone company that you qualify, they will begin the application process for you.

How do I get a California LifeLine PIN?

If you are a renewing wireless LifeLine subscriber and you do not know your PIN, text GETPIN from your LifeLine phone to 345345. We will text your PIN to your LifeLine phone. You may Contact Us to get your PIN. We are available Monday to Friday 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. except during state holidays.

How do I get a free government phone in California?

Contact us at 877-247-7799 for more information regarding a free cell phone in California or to apply now! Head Start Income Eligible (Tribal Only) Proof or participation or household income is required to get service. In order to maintain your LifeLine Service, you must verify your enrollment information annually.

What carrier does California LifeLine use?

Assurance Wireless
Lifeline Program: Assurance Wireless is a California LifeLine provider. Lifeline is a government benefit program. Assurance Wireless provides Lifeline service supported by the federal Universal Service Fund and the California LifeLine Program.

What is the income limit for California Lifeline?

2) Income-Based Qualification Method:

Household Size Annual Income Limits
3 $33,300
4 $40,600
Each Additional Member $7,300
Effective June 1, 2022 to May 31, 2023

Can I switch Lifeline providers?

You may transfer your Lifeline benefit to a new company at any time.

Can lifeline be used for Internet?

Lifeline also supports broadband Internet service and broadband-voice bundles.

How do I apply for California Lifeline?

If you think you qualify for California LifeLine, contact and inform your home or cell phone company you want to apply for California LifeLine. The home or cell phone company must be an approved California LifeLine telephone service provider.

What is California Lifeline?

Welcome to California LifeLine. The California LifeLine Program (California LifeLine) is a state program that provides discounted home phone and cell phone services to eligible households. The California LifeLine discounts help consumers lower the cost of their phone bills.

How do I find California Lifeline cell phone providers?

Go to “Provider Search” at to learn about the approved California LifeLine providers and cell phone plans. The California LifeLine Program provides discounts on home phone and cell phone services to qualified households. The California LifeLine discounts help consumers lower the cost of their phone bills.

How do I cancel a California Lifeline enrollment request?

The phone company can also cancel an enrollment request. Consumers can contact the Administrator by phone or going online at For the Administrator’s phone numbers, go to California LifeLine Contacts . Discounted home phone services available to California LifeLine participants may include the following: