How do I change the resolution of a video in OpenCV?

How do I change the resolution of a video in OpenCV?


  1. Load a video using cv2. VideoCapture()
  2. Create a VideoWriter object using cv2. VideoWriter()
  3. Extract frame by frame.
  4. Resize the frames using cv2. resize()
  5. Save the frames to a video file using cv2. VideoWriter()
  6. Release the VideoWriter and destroy all windows.

How do I change the resolution of an image in OpenCV?

Examples of using cv2. resize() function

  1. Preserve Aspect Ratio (height to width ratio of image is preserved) Downscale (Decrease the size of the image)
  2. Do not preserve Aspect Ratio. Resize only the width (Increase or decrease the width of the image keeping height unchanged)
  3. Resize to specific width and height.

What is cv2 VideoWriter_fourcc?

FourCC is a 4-byte code used to specify the video codec. List of codes can be obtained at Video Codecs by FourCC. The codecs for Windows is DIVX and for OSX is avc1, h263. FourCC code is passed as cv2. VideoWriter_fourcc(*’MJPG’) for MJPG and cv2.

How can I change the pixels of a video?

To select the video resolution, open the Video Screen Size drop-down list and choose the desired option. For example, to convert 720p to 1080p, select the 1920 × 1080p (1080p). If you want to set a custom resolution, select Custom from the list and type width and height in pixels.

What is the resolution of 360p?


Standard Class Resolution
NTSC widescreen 240p 426×240
CIF, SIF (625) 288p 384×288
PSP 272p 480×272
360p 360p 480×360

How do I change the resolution of a video in Windows 10?

Open Control Panel. Click System (Figure 2). If you have more than one monitor connected to your computer, then select the monitor that you want to change the screen resolution of. In the Resolution drop-down menu, select a screen resolution (ex: 1920 x 1080) that you want for the selected monitor.

How do I change video quality to 720p?

How do I convert the 1080p video to 720p?

  1. Import your 1080p video into MiniTool Movie Maker.
  2. Drag and drop this video into the timeline.
  3. Click the Export button.
  4. Select video resolution 1280 X 720.
  5. Click the Export button to convert the 1080p video to 720p.

What is video quality 144p?

144p. But what is the exact definition of it? I know the definition of wikipedia : 2160p=3840×2160 1440p=2560×1440 1080p=1920×1080 720p=1280×720 480p=640×480 360p=480×360 240p=426×240 144p=256×144.

What resolution does the camera support for OpenCV?

The camera supports up to 1280×960 at 30fps, and I am able to view the video at this resolution in guvcview. But OpenCV always gets the video at only 640×480.

Is there a way to get 1920×1080 at 30fps with OpenCV?

For older OpenCV (last tested 3.4.2.x) versions there was a solution to add cv2.CAP_PROP_FOURCC property set and the whole code to have 1920×1080 at 30fps stream looked like this:

Is OpenCV bad for Windows OS?

OpenCV while being the most popular tool for a lot of machine vision applications it relies on a third party and some poorly maintained code. Capturing MJPEG compressed video from a UVC USB camera was always the case and it did not work or worked with some issues. This situation is especially bad for Windows OS.

What version of Python does OpenCV run on Windows?

This situation is especially bad for Windows OS. Currently Python 3.8.4 pip has these versions of OpenCV available to be installed directly:,,,,,,,