How do I find the Oracle home path in Linux?

How do I find the Oracle home path in Linux?

How to check if ORACLE_HOME is set

  1. On Windows: On command prompt, type D:\>echo %ORACLE_HOME%.
  2. On Unix/Linux: type env | grep ORACLE_HOME.

How do I change the Oracle home path in Linux?


  1. Log on to the application server.
  2. Open the user profile.
  3. Set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to point to the Oracle Admin Client installation directory.
  4. Append the location of ORACLE_HOME/bin to the PATH environment variable.
  5. Refresh the profile.

What should be the path of ORACLE_HOME?

The path of the ORACLE_HOME directory is stored the installation path of oracle. Example : For windows it could be C:\ or C:\Software or under D:\. File Structure under oracle home : The structure of files in ORACLE_HOME is fixed. Example : The location of sqlplus.exe is always ORACLE_HOME/bin and Tnsnames.

Where is the Oracle home directory?

On Windows platforms, the Oracle Home (contains Oracle database products) location is defined in the system environment variable called EPM_ORACLE_HOME (contains all Oracle products) and the default location is C:/Oracle/Middleware/PMSystem11R1 .

How do I permanently set Oracle environment variables in Linux?

To make the change permanent, enter the command PATH=$PATH:/opt/bin into your home directory’s . bashrc file. When you do this, you’re creating a new PATH variable by appending a directory to the current PATH variable, $PATH .

How do I see environment variables in Ubuntu?

Most of the Unixes (Ubuntu/macOS) use the so-called Bash shell. Under bash shell: To list all the environment variables, use the command ” env ” (or ” printenv “). You could also use ” set ” to list all the variables, including all local variables.

How do I set system variables in Ubuntu?

To permanently add a new environment variable in Ubuntu (tested only in 14.04), use the following steps:

  1. Open a terminal (by pressing Ctrl Alt T )
  2. sudo -H gedit /etc/environment.
  3. Type your password.
  4. Edit the text file just opened:
  5. Save it.
  6. Once saved, logout and login again.
  7. Your required changes are made.

How do I set permanent environment variables in Ubuntu?

“ubuntu set environment variable permanently” Code Answer’s

  1. #open terminal and type:
  2. $ nano . bashrc.
  3. #scroll to the bottom of the script and type:
  4. export = ”
  5. #e.g.
  6. export ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=’/home/<$USER>/Android/Sdk’

What is Oracle_base used for?

ORACLE_BASE – ORACLE_BASE is the root of the Oracle Database directory tree. If you install an OFA-compliant database using Oracle Universal Installer defaults, then ORACLE_BASE is X:\oracle\product\10.2.

How to set ORACLE HOME environment variable in Linux?

When you login with user, the Oracle Home environment variable is already set when you login with user by setting them in bash_profile hidden file in Linux. Location of bash_profile is /home/oracle/.bash_profile if you are setting in ORACLE user.

How do I find the Oracle_home path?

The ORACLE_HOME path is taken first from the command line if specified, or else from the response file if specified. If not, the ORACLE_HOME environment variable is used.

What is the default Oracle home directory?

The first Oracle home is named the ” DEFAULT_HOME ” and registers itself in the Windows NT registry under the key: This is the default Windows NT registry hive which contains all the “generic” Oracle settings. Also, the PATH variable is adjusted, and the BIN directory of the $ORACLE_HOME is added to the environment variable.

What is the PATH variable in Linux?

The PATH variable is a list of locations on disk separated by colons. The example above is a typical default path for Linux. This one includes a path within the user’s home directory (/home/jemmons/bin) where the user can keep their own commands and scripts.