How do I GRANT permission to run a sequence in Oracle?

How do I GRANT permission to run a sequence in Oracle?

GRANT CREATE ANY SEQUENCE, ALTER ANY SEQUENCE, DROP ANY SEQUENCE, SELECT ANY SEQUENCE TO my_user; The owner of a sequence has full privileges on the sequence. Another user can be given access to the sequence by granting the SELECT object privilege.

How do you give a sequence GRANT?


  1. Example 1: Grant any user the USAGE privilege on a sequence called ORG_SEQ. GRANT USAGE ON SEQUENCE ORG_SEQ TO PUBLIC.
  2. Example 2: Grant user BOBBY the ability to alter a sequence called GENERATE_ID, and to grant this privilege to others. GRANT ALTER ON SEQUENCE GENERATE_ID TO BOBBY WITH GRANT OPTION.

Which privileges can be granted on sequence?

The following privileges are valid for sequences:

  • SELECT: Execute functions CURRVAL and NEXTVAL on the specified sequences.
  • ALTER: Modify a sequence’s DDL with ALTER SEQUENCE.
  • DROP: Drop this sequence with DROP SEQUENCE .

How do I GRANT insert privileges in Oracle?

How to Create a User and Grant Permissions in Oracle

  1. CREATE USER books_admin IDENTIFIED BY MyPassword;
  2. GRANT CONNECT TO books_admin;

How do I grant permissions in SQL?

Login to SQL Server Management Studio. In Object Explorer on the left pane, expand the Databases folder and select the concerned database and navigate to the by expanding Security and Users folders. Right-click the User to which you want to GRANT or REVOKE the permissions.

What does Grantable mean in Oracle?

grantable. Indicates YES if the grantee can pass along the privilege and NO if the grantee cannot pass along the column-level object privilege.

What are sequences in Oracle?

A sequence is an object in Oracle that is used to generate a number sequence. This can be useful when you need to create a unique number to act as a primary key.

How do you create a sequence?

Syntax to create a sequence is,

  1. CREATE SEQUENCE sequence-name START WITH initial-value INCREMENT BY increment-value MAXVALUE maximum-value CYCLE | NOCYCLE;
  3. INSERT INTO class VALUE(seq_1. nextval, ‘anu’);

Can we alter sequence in Oracle?

Oracle ALTER SEQUENCE Overview The ALTER SEQUENCE statement allows you to change the increment, minimum value, maximum value, cached numbers, and behavior of a sequence object. All the parameters have the same meaning as described in the CREATE SEQUENCE statement.

How does sequence work in Oracle?

In Oracle, you can create an autonumber field by using sequences. A sequence is an object in Oracle that is used to generate a number sequence. This can be useful when you need to create a unique number to act as a primary key.

What is granting privileges in Oracle?

The GRANT command is used to grant the system privileges both to roles and users. The statement can even be used to grant roles to both roles and users. The privileges and roles could be global, external, or local. It can even offer object privileges for certain objects to roles, users, or the PUBLIC.

How do I find GRANT permissions for a table in SQL Server?

Using SQL Server Management Studio Under Object Explorer, expand the Databases directory and then, expand the required database that contains the table. Next, expand the Tables directory and right-click the required table for which you want to check permissions, and click on the “Properties” option.

How do I grant privileges to another user on a sequence?

GRANT CREATE ANY SEQUENCE, ALTER ANY SEQUENCE, DROP ANY SEQUENCE, SELECT ANY SEQUENCE TO user_name; If you are the owner of the sequence, you will have the full privileges on the sequence. To grant another user access to a sequence, you can grant the SELECT object privilege to that user as shown in the following command:

What is the syntax for granting execute privileges in Oracle?

The syntax for granting EXECUTE privileges on a function/procedure in Oracle is: The ability to compile the function/procedure. The ability to execute the function/procedure directly. The name of the database object that you are granting privileges for.

How do I grant permissions to a schema?

To grant a permission: grant select on schema_name.sequence_name to user_or_role_name; To check which permissions have been granted select * from all_tab_privs where TABLE_NAME = ‘sequence_name’ Share

How do you grant access to a function in Oracle?

Grant Privileges on Functions/Procedures. When dealing with functions and procedures, you can grant users the ability to EXECUTE these functions and procedures. Syntax. The syntax for granting EXECUTE privileges on a function/procedure in Oracle is: GRANT EXECUTE ON object TO user; EXECUTE The ability to compile the function/procedure.