How do I Group A pivot table in Excel 2010?

How do I Group A pivot table in Excel 2010?

Group data

  1. In the PivotTable, right-click a value and select Group.
  2. In the Grouping box, select Starting at and Ending at checkboxes, and edit the values if needed.
  3. Under By, select a time period. For numerical fields, enter a number that specifies the interval for each group.
  4. Select OK.

Why I Can T group dates in pivot table?

Pivot tables won’t allow you to group dates if there are any invalid dates within the data source. Blank cells are also considered to be invalid dates, so you must make sure that there are no blanks.

How do I create a custom group in a pivot table?


  1. Create a pivot table.
  2. Drag the Color field to the Rows area.
  3. Drag the Sales field to the Values area.
  4. Group items manually. Select items. Right-click and Group. Name group as desired. Repeat for each separate group.
  5. Rename grouping field (Color2) to Group (or as desired)

How do I manually group in a PivotTable?

When you group items manually, hold down the Control-key and select each item that you want to include in the first group. With these cells selected, click “Group Selection” from the Options tab on the PivotTable Tools Ribbon.

How do I group years in a PivotTable?

Grouping by Years in a Pivot Table

  1. Select any cell in the Date column in the Pivot Table.
  2. Go to Pivot Table Tools –> Analyze –> Group –> Group Selection.
  3. In the Grouping dialogue box, select Years. While grouping dates, you can select more than one options. By default, Months option is already selected.
  4. Click OK.

How do I group by year in a pivot table?

How do I create a report in Excel 2010?

How to Create a Scenario Summary Report in Excel 2010

  1. Open the workbook containing the scenarios you want to summarize.
  2. On the Data tab, choose What-If Analysis→Scenario Manager in the Data Tools group.
  3. Click the Summary button.
  4. Click OK to generate the report.

How do I group columns in a PivotTable?

How to Group & Ungroup Fields

  1. Select a cell in the Rows or Columns area of the pivot table that contains the field you want to group.
  2. Select the Analyze/Options tab in the Ribbon.
  3. Click the Group Field button.
  4. Select the items that you want to group the field by.
  5. Click OK.

How do you group data into intervals in Excel?

To do this:

  1. Select any cells in the row labels that have the sales value.
  2. Go to Analyze –> Group –> Group Selection.
  3. In the grouping dialog box, specify the Starting at, Ending at, and By values. In this case, By value is 250, which would create groups with an interval of 250.
  4. Click OK.

What is pivot table grouping?

Pivot Table grouping is quite flexible. It allows you to group several different types of Fields. You can create many groups and you can group previously existing groups (create groups of groups). Despite its flexibility, Pivot Table grouping has some restrictions.

How do I create a pivot table group in Excel 2016?

Select the Items you want to group. Go to Ribbon > Analyze > Group Selection or use a keyboard shortcut (“Shift + Alt + Right Arrow”, “Alt, JT, K” or “ (Shift + F10), G”). After you group Items, Excel creates a new Pivot Table Field.

How do I change the name of a pivot table group?

In the pivot table, select Beans, Broccoli, Carrots, Mango and Orange. 4. Right click and click on Group. Note: to change the name of a group (Group1 or Group2), select the name, and edit the name in the formula bar.

How to group fruits and vegetables in the pivot table?

1. In the pivot table, select Apple and Banana. 2. Right click and click on Group. 3. In the pivot table, select Beans, Broccoli, Carrots, Mango and Orange. 4. Right click and click on Group.