How do I run ntop on Windows?

How do I run ntop on Windows?

Double-click on the downloaded file. Accept all default choices from the NTop install wizard. Type your computer’s IP address when prompted for it. At the end of this process, your Windows computer will be running NTop as a service.

What is ntop?

ntopng is a full-featured network monitoring tool. It provides a web GUI to access accurate monitoring data. It provides detailed views on active hosts, flows, IP addresses, Mac addresses, Autonomous systems.

What is Ntop monitoring?

ntop is a probe for analysis of network traffic that shows the network usage, similar to what can be done through the popular top Unix commands. ntop is based on libpcap libraries and was written so as to be “portable” in order to virtually run on every Unix or Win32 platform.

How do I check my pfSense bandwidth?

Monitoring Bandwidth Usage

  1. pftop. If a connection is currently active, connect to the pfSense router’s console (physical access or ssh) and watch the traffic flow with pftop (Option 9 ).
  2. iftop.
  3. trafshow.
  4. Built-in Graphs.
  5. BandwidthD.
  6. Darkstat.
  7. ntopng.
  8. Monitoring on Multiple Interfaces.

What is the ntopng configuration file?

The ntopng Configuration File ΒΆ Command line options can be grouped in a plain text file, that is typically named ntopng.conf. Note that any name is acceptable except when ntopng is run as a daemon in which case ntopng.conf file name must be used. Options in the configuration file must be reported one per line.

How do I set up and use ntop?

Configuring ntop. Ntop will run on many operating systems and while the initial setup will vary, once you have ntop installed, the configuration and usage is primarily via a Web interface, so the data will be presented in a uniform manner regardless of the underlying operating system.The ntop Web site offers multiple versions…

Why is ntopng not working on Windows?

ntopng requires the Redis service to be up and running or it will not start. Make sure this service is running and auto-started on boot. Check its status from the Services application. As network interfaces on Windows can have long names, a numeric index is associated to the interface in order to ease the ntopng configuration.

How to start ntopng from command prompt?

You can start ntopng from cmd. exe only for debug purposes or for manipulating the service settings. In this case you can start cmd. exe (i. e. Windows Commands Prompt) and navigate to the ntopng installation directory (i. e. C:\\Program Files\ topng). Commands are issued after a /c that stands for console.