How do you caption alcohol?

How do you caption alcohol?

21 Quotes About Alcohol We Love

  1. Drinking is just plain fun.
  2. According to chemistry, alcohol is a solution.
  3. You look like I need a drink.
  4. I used to think drinking was bad for me, so I gave up thinking.
  5. Hakuna Ma’Vodka- It means no memories for the rest of your night.
  6. Alcohol won’t solve your problems.

How do you drink quotes?

14 Drinking Quotes to Remember if You Love Alcohol a Little Too Much

  1. So you’ve just finished your second drink.
  2. “Drunkenness is nothing but voluntary madness.” —
  3. “Drink because you are happy, but never because you are miserable.” — G.K. Chesterton.

How do you appreciate cocktails?

How to Appreciate a Cocktail- 5 Insider Tips

  1. If you’re ordering just a high-end spirit, order it neat. There is a lot that goes into really appreciating a carefully crafted cocktail.
  2. Know the lingo.
  3. Dirty Drinks.
  4. Know the Differences in Whisky.
  5. Take it slow.

What do you toast when drinking?

To Your Health

  • May your beautiful lips never blister!
  • May you live for as long as you want, and never want for as long as you live!
  • Strike hands with me.
  • To absent friends, and to ourselves, as no one is likely to concern themselves with our welfare.
  • Health to those I love, wealth to those who love me.

What is the alcohol rhyme?

“Beer before liquor, never been sicker; liquor before beer, you’re in the clear” is a well-worn phrase backing the belief that you can avoid a hangover if you take drinks in the “right” order.

What do you say to a bartender?

How to Make Small Talk Like a Bartender

  • Ask How Their Day Is Going. “I always start with, ‘How is your day going so far?’
  • Ask If They Come Here Often. “It really depends on the vibe of the night.
  • Keep the Subject Matter Light.
  • Extend an Old-Fashioned Handshake.
  • Express Genuine Interest in the Other Person.

How do you describe a drink?

Words used to describe drinks – thesaurus

  • alcoholic. adjective. containing alcohol.
  • black. adjective. tea or coffee that is black has no milk in it.
  • carbonated. adjective. a carbonated drink has small bubbles of air in it.
  • corked. adjective.
  • decaffeinated. adjective.
  • drinkable. adjective.
  • dry. adjective.
  • dryness. noun.

What word rhymes with alcohol?

Words that rhyme with alcohol

protocol all
eyeball gall
hall maul
rationale shortfall
stall appall

What are the funniest quotes?

“I am a man of destiny. I’m gonna win the heavyweight championship of the world, earn a million dollars and get me a chauffeur-driven, tomato-red Cadillac with built-in hi-fi, television and telephones. I’m gonna make the world sit up and take notice and say, ‘Wow, this kid is the greatest.’” “When I retire I want to get very, very fat just once.

What are the best funny birthday quotes?

“Happy birthday!

  • “You’re older today than yesterday but younger than tomorrow,happy birthday!”
  • “Forget about the past,you can’t change it.
  • “Cheers on your birthday.
  • “Happy birthday to one of the few people whose birthday I can remember without a Facebook reminder.”
  • “Happy Birthday!
  • What are some funny family quotes?

    Always be nice to your children because they are the ones who will choose your rest home.

  • Children really brighten up a household.
  • In general my children refuse to eat anything that hasn’t danced in television.
  • Insanity is hereditary: You can get it from your children.
  • Having a two-year-old is like having a blender that you don’t have the top for.
  • What are funny senior quotes?

    1. The guy who saw an opportunity and took it:

  • 2. The subtle couple: Facebook Pinterest Mail Link Advertisement
  • 4. The one who grew:
  • 5. The guy with an inspirational source:
  • 6. The team effort: Facebook Pinterest Mail Link Advertisement
  • 7.
  • 8.
  • 9.
  • 10.
  • 11.